15. caught

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After what we did we walked our way up to the bond fire where the festival was at it's best.

"But.. you men warrior's really talk about it?" I asked out of curiousity, "well, yes? Most of time even, i've heard you cousin talk about with his friends." He answered. Ew.. a'hanou? Is he for real in that stage with his girlfriend right now, i didn't want to picture it in my head, but it was definitely stuck there for a little while now. "You warrior women don't?" Neteyam asked while looking at me, "i am not a warrior yet, but soon will be. But here and there i hear some women talk about it." I said.

When a chief's daughter or son is having his or her final dream hunt, they will throw a big party after passing. I couldn't wait to show neteyam the parties we throw!
"Soon? When?" He asked, "in about 3 weeks." I replied.

But as we were talking about everything we have done and showing and telling eachother about our different cultures we met someone on the way back..
A boy came running to us, i had to take a better look to see who it was.. rotxo??

ROTXO??? Okay okay play it cool! Was the main thing going thru my head, "guys!.. some people lighted fires on....the beaches.. i needed to search.. for you guys!"
Rotxo said while holding himself on a tree trying to catch his breath. "What!!? Is everyone okay?" I immediately asked him, "yes everyone ok ... Just one tent is.. on fire!" He answered.
"What were... You guys doing all the way up.. here??" Rotxo asked out of suspicion, "oh.. uh.. we were talking!" I lied quickly, "yeah yeah!" Neteyam replied short after me. I felt something drip done my leg as i was making a excuse, i took a quick look... Fuck. I closed my legs really tight like i needed to pee really bad, rotxo looed at me up and down.. "what is wrong with you?" He asked, i saw neteyam's and rotxo's eyes just only looking at my legs for what was wrong.
"N-nothing!" I said while having a akward smile on my face, i felt neteyam hand sliding down from my waist to butt and he gave me a small pinch basically telling me that he knows what is going on. But neteyam was not the only one... Rotxo's eyes widened as he realized, "y/n... You did not fuck him, right?.." he asked in a serious voice. "What no, we are good friends man, nothing to worry abou-" "yes.." neteyam tried saving me out the situation, but i was stuck and i could not lie away from it.
"Oh my eywa, ARE YOU CRAZY? I WILL NEED TO TELL MOTHER." rotxo shouted at me pointing at the village while saying so. "NO YOU DON'T. I have a deal with you, if you won't tell a single living soul what you know about. I will do your chores, get you out of trouble, and just do whatever you want me to!" I said.
It was very.. very quiet for a bad 10 seconds.
Rotxo signed and bit his underlip, "okay, deal." He said. "But i do not want to caught you fucking my sister ever again." Rotxo said quickly after and looked neteyam deep in the eyes.
"We good man.." neteyam said while looking back into rotxo's eyes.
"Okay now, come quickly." He said and led us to the village.

As we arrived i saw my mother totally worried about me, searched and screaming my name. "Mother, i am here!" I shouted and waved my hand, "oh great mother thank you! are you okay my daughter?" She asked while giving me a hug, but to he honest her pregnant belly was taking more space than usual.

"Yes mother, i am ok!" I answered.
When my mother let me go she looked at neteyam and rotxo who was standing behind me, "this boy....wha-" "they were doing nothing mother, i saw them just talking about the festival.." rotxo said before my mother could even finish her sentence.
She looked back at me as i nodded yes to her, "okay.. fine, just help the people to transport the water to the tent on fire." She said.

Eywa truly saved me today in anyway possible.

(Sorey this was such a short chapter, way more drama is coming up. And for the smut readers, should i add another chapter about them orrrrr...??? Just leave a comment on this text and i will for sure read and listen to my fellow readers!)

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