18. dream secret

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What happened yesterday still had me fluttered, and to be honest.. if i even thought about it i could feel the blood boiling in my cheeks.

But it was my time, in 1 day my final dream hunt will start. These days they just want me to prepare for it, like getting very healthy and strong. Because we have had cases that when weak people who do not prepare for the vision, died.

Every hour i was getting more nervous, it felt like a bomb was about to explode thru my whole body, that type of nervous i was.

"Y/n daughter! Your top is done, do you like it???!!" My mother said with alot excitement. I looked over my shoulder, it was beautiful as always.

(Full credit of this picture go to av4tarwaves on tiktok!)

My eyes widened, this was the best fucking piece of clothing i've ever had!
"You like it?" My mother asked me again with a big smile on her face, "yes!..oh my eywa it is beautiful!!" I gasped and said.

"Good!... Auo'nung, i made your mate bottom to!" Mom said and picked up a matching bottom for auonung.
"Mate?" He questioned, "yes! When y/n has done her final dream hunt we will have a party and for her to be tsahik, you 2 will have to mate. And i thought it would be more special if you 2 had matching clothes." Mom answered.

I could almost throw up right on the ground right now. How could i ever explain to my mother, my father, my clan, my sister, MY BROTHER that i already have a mate, it would mostly not be a problem if it was somebody else than neteyam. But beside that, how could even tell neteyam himself?

"Is that not cute?" My mother turned my way and said it with a smile, "yes!.. very cute!" I answered with a fake smile.

"I will be swimming mother!" I said while standing up, "ok, but be here by eclips for your tsahik lessons." She said while she gave auonung his cloth.

I was wishing that the thought would dissapear, but it would not. Even tho much a swam, it was stuck in me.

So, to solve this. I really just needed to talk to somebody that i could trust, kiri. She would NEVER tell a secret.
I dried myself a bit of before going thru the village searching for kiri's tent, but it was not a problem since i already know the route out my pockets since i've walked it so many time. And of course because i grew up here, dumass.

I looked around the cornor of their tent, "hello! Is kiri here?" I asked neytiri who was laughing and talking with jake. "Oh hello, kiri is with rotxo going swimming, i think they will be back soon!" She said in the most welcoming voice, "y/n?" Neteyam said suprisingly leaving a smile on his face. "Hi!.." i waved akwardly, "come sit with us, we still have some forest fruit left for u to try!" Neytiri said.
I said my thank you's and sat beside neteyam, "here!!" Neteyam said handing me over a white juicy fruit. I nodded with a slight smile and tried a small bit, "don't be nervous! We are not poisoning you! Hahah!" Jake said making a obvious dad joke.
We all laughed it off, the fruit was a bit sour but has that nice sour taste. Oh my eywa this was my new favorite taste.
Just when i finished eating and chatting a bit with neteyam's parents, kiri came looking around the cornor!

"Hi y/n! How are you?!" Kiri said, "hi! Good! I want to hang out with you!" I said and stood up. "Oh okay! Well let's go then! Bye!!" She said while grabbing my arm and ran off.

"I know such a beautiful place!" She said excited, "i know all the places here, do not be crazy!" I laughed.
We jumped, sprinted, laughed together over the rocks, kiri was truly a gift for ANYONE.
We stopped at one big rock to calm a bit down, both totally out of breath but still laughed thru it.
"So!.. what did you want to tell me?" She said while sitting down, but as soon she said that my smile slowly dissapeared..

The Story Of Us. Neteyam x y/n!!Where stories live. Discover now