13. the festival

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It has been 3 days.

Those 3 days absolutely shattered me, it felt like there was a hole in my heart that no amount of laughing could fix.

I have kept myself quiet all those 3 days, i haven't got out the tent. I felt so sorry for amera, but my energy was just 0% all the time.

My father had asked me a few times if i was ok, and every single time i would say "yes, just a bit tired.."

But tonight was the festival, i sat infront of my mother. Who was styling and braiding my hair, i had a few braids in front and a few back with my selfmade flower crown.

I felt pretty for once in these 3 days, "so daughter... Soon you will be 15, how do you feel about it?" My mother asked me while she was still busy with my hair.
Everyday it feels like i forget more and more things, my dream hunt would be soon to then. Was i ready? No!
"I am scared mother."  I answered her question, "why is that?" She asked again.
"I don't think i am good enough to have that responsibility." I said while looking down at my hands fidgeting.
"Even tho you are a bit stupid sometimes, i think when i will be gone, you will be the best tsahik the clan could ever have." My mother said and brushed thru my hair.
"And what about my future husband?" I asked her.
"Well.. if you do not find one, you will be paired with your brother of course. But if you catch feelings with someone in the clan, it will be no problem.".
"And when will the time be when i will be paired up with my brother if i do not have someone?" I asked purely out of curiosity.
"When your father is with eywa" my mother answered.
I had no reply to that, i was speechless.
I honestly hope my father would never be gone now that i know the fact.

"You are beautiful daughter." My mother said as she stood up.

The eclips was busy setting as we all got ready for the festival, sometimes you could even heard the people slowly making music already.

I out on my selfmade top when everyone was out the tent, and just as i was done..
"You look beautiful..."

For a secone i wished it was neteyam. But it was not, it was auonung. I signed in relieve, "thank you very much, do you need something?" I asked him as i tied the knot in my top.

"Mh.. no.. nothing, are you ready?" He asked me, i secretly wanted to say i wasn't but.. i had no other choice.

And maybe the festival would be the best in years like my father said, maybe my mind would have some other thought beside THOSE thoughts.

"Yes i am. Are there many people?" I asked him, "yes, does it matter?" Auonung answered, "no..." I said and walked up to him, and just as i wanted to pass him by.. he grabbed my waist with his right hand.
We made deep eye contact for a good few seconds, i kept myself calm for those few seconds.
"Don't do anything stupid please." Auonung said, wow, if i could be more irritated by himself, this needed to happen.
"I won't." I answered still making eye contact, "good.." auonung said and gave me a small kiss on my lips.
I felt disgusted by myself, i wanted to keep my lips pretty of the fruit that stained them.
"Don't do that, i am older now, remember?" I said.
"Yeah i remember." He answered.

I walked to the center of our tents, where alot people were already dancing..
I looked around for a bit to maybe see anyone i knew.
But sadly he wasn't to be seen, but when out all of the sudden someone grabbed my arm?...
"This is amazing!" A young girl's voice said in excitedment, but soon enough i remembered the young girl's face, it was kiri!

A smile came back on my face, kiri and me haven't spoken in a while, so she did insteed made me happy right now!

"Yeah!! You look so pretty!" I complimented her, she had a beautiful yellow flowered top with small shells and pearls that shined by the fire light, her hair looked totally different fully down.
"Thank you, i can say the same for you! Did you do that on your own?" Kiri asked me, "yes! The only thing i am good at!.." i answered with an awkward smile.

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