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We have been sitting in silence for the past ten minutes. No one said a word. I had no idea where to start and from the looks of things neither did, he. There was so much I wanted to ask but I was loss of words.

"So how have you been?" he finally spoke causing me to look up at him.


"I'm sorry, for the way that I treated you. I didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself because of my anger and that led me to hurt you, so I apologize."

"It's okay, I understand. I'm the one that supposed to apologize to you. I left with no explanation whatsoever, especially with how I left you."

We stared at each other as he inched closer to me. This made me realize I also wanted to be close to him. 

"Could you please tell me the real reason you left Zuri? No more beating around the bush." 

I let out a sigh and started playing with my finger while biting my lips. I could smell him, and it reminded me of how much I missed him.

"Your parents, they don't like me Theo. After everything I thought it was in my best interest to leave as to not cause any problem."

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused. 

"They threatened me. I don't know if they actually meant it, or they were just trying to scare me, but I didn't want to find out. Everything felt so overwhelming I just couldn't take it no more. The thought of losing you...... I'm sorry, I was selfish to have left you when you needed me the most."

I should've stayed with him. But I wasn't thinking clearly. 

He had a distant look on his face after I finished talking. I could only imaging what he was thinking. 

Theo's POV 

I don't blame her for leaving. At least now I knew she didn't betray me by leaving with another man. But I also felt angry at my parents for what they did. They were always overprotective of me, but I didn't think they would've gone that far as to threaten the mother of my child and love of my life. 

They are going to hear from me when we get back home. 

"How as Avan been? I see he's gotten bigger."

"Yeah..." I could tell this was hard for her, having to take care of our son by herself all this while.

"I missed you, Zuri. I missed you so much and I'm ashamed of myself for even having the thought of hating you. I want you to come back with me. I'll do everything in my power to protect you and Avan. You mean the world to me, and I won't live with myself if I left you here knowing how much I love you."

She looked as if she was in a distant thought before she sighed and nodded.

"I'll go with you. But please Theo you have to promise that nothing will happen to our child and I." My heart beamed with excitement and relief. 

"Of course, baby I promise." 

I couldn't hold back myself any longer, so I pulled her to me and caressed her face.

"I want to kiss you baby, can I?" 


I've missed this so much. Having her in my arms, kissing her. Feeling the heat of her body on mine. Feeling her tongue against mine. There's no way I'm ever going to let her go again. 

Time Skip

Zuri's POV

Every day, Theo makes it his duty to always make me feel loved and happy. I haven't seen or heard from his parents since we got back and I'm happy about that. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I didn't leave. 

Monique came to spend some time with me after we came back but she had to return home because of a family emergency. She and Ash got along perfectly well, and I am happy they did because both of them has been there for me, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

Speaking of Ash, she was so mad at me when I returned home. We cried in each other's arms before she lightly punched me on my arm and made me promise to never disappear again. I was so selfish to have never thought of how much the people around me were going to be impacted when I left with no warning. But if it ever comes down to it again, I will do it in a heartbeat. Because I will do anything to protect myself for my baby, even if it means disappointing everyone else. 

My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts, it was Theo. He left earlier for work and has been texting me every ten minutes to make sure I was okay. I think he is scared I will up and leave him again.

"Hey baby." his voice came out in relief. 


"How are doing love?"

"I'm as great as I was when you texted me five minutes ago Theo." I let out a chuckle. 

"I know, I- I just want to make sure you're okay. Is there anything I could get for you on my way back? I'll be leaving work in an hour."

"No, I'm fine. I thought you had work until five?" I asked confused. It was just two in the afternoon; he isn't supposed to leave work until the next three hours.

"Yes, I do but I can't stay away from you any longer than I have to, so I'm just going to finish up with a client and head home immediately."

"Theo....." He can't keep leaving his responsibilities just to come stay with me. I know he's scared of me leaving him, but I promised I won't ever do it again. I guess it's going to take a while before he accepts that.

"I just want to spend time with my woman. No one can sue me for that." He remarked. I swear he's just too much sometimes, but I still love him.

"Alright then baby, I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay. How's my boy doing?" 

"He's fine. He fell asleep couple minutes ago."

"Okay love, I can't wait to see you. I love you, Zuri."

"I love you too Theo." With that he ended the call.

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