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I can't believe I just walked out in the dark of the night with a stranger.

Stupid of me but ain't I always.

"So what's your name?"

"Zuri West."

The faster I answer his questions the faster we would go back inside.

"You're really beautiful you know that?"

I blushed at his compliment and nodded.

He walked closer me only an inch away.I had to look up because he was at least a foot taller than me.

Slowly he lifted his hand and removed the rogue hair from my face.

"Can I kiss you Zuri."

Ok so this guy is really blunt. I mean you don't just ask someone you just met if you can kiss them.

I almost refused but then I remembered I was a 25 year old virgin who as yet to kiss someone. I wasn't waiting for anyone special just never got the chance.

What better person to do it with but a very sexy and handsome stranger.

I nodded and he lowered his head and brought his lips to mine.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

It's happening.

He pulled me closer to him and circled his hands around my waist and I around his neck.

I pulled away but only because I was finding it hard to breathe.

He looked in my eyes and pulled his lips between his teeth.

My breathing is yet to steady and he look as if he wasn't just sucking the life from my body.

"That was...... different."

I didn't reply to that but nodded.

"Do you think it's ok if I brought you to my apartment?"

He hadn't released me not that I minded it felt good to be in his arms.


My mother would be so angry with me if she ever found out I went home with a stranger. I didn't even tell Ash that I was leaving.

"You want anything to drink?"

"No thanks."

He took off his jacket and went into what I assumed was a kitchen.

Ok so I'm extremely nervous. Would I have sex with him? I mean that must be the reason he brought me to his apartment.

I'm going to lose my virginity on a one night stand.

I took a deep breath and combed my fingers through my hair.

It was about time I was deflowered anyway. Maybe Ash would finally get off my back about it.

I didn't realize he was in the room until he sat beside me. Very closely may I add.

I turned to him and realized he was already looking at me.

It was like a magnet was pulling us because next thing I knew we were kissing.

His hands were all over my body.

I moaned when he squeezed my breast and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue down my throat.

"Can I remove your dress?"

I don't think my mind was mine any longer. I was just in a trance.


That was all it took before I was naked in front of this stranger. I was never naked in front of any one not even Ash.

I was rather insecure about my body.

I tried to cover up but he pulled my arms back.

"Don't cover up from me, ever."

The tone he said it in made my inside tingle.

He placed kisses all over. Leaving marks some places.

He suddenly lift me up and started towards the stairs.

"Put me down please."

He just ignored me and continue walking. I almost thought he didn't hear me but I knew he did.


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