Chapter 9

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It is decided that Adu Du and Probe will be given a tracker so that Boboiboy and the others will know what they're up to or where would the two be at.

Boboiboy can't really put these two here alone in the base since they might mess things up or ended up stealing something important. And also because what if DimenBot suddenly came to visit and saw these two.

Other agents already knew about Adu Du and Probe and will be careful in handling them.

And just like any other day, the four members of KKG are going back to school while Boboiboy splits again and started his own training.

With Boboiboy, he was out training in an area where TAPOPS had bought so it was private. The place looked like a huge arena but less on the seats and more on the 'stage'.

For now, Boboiboy has split into three namely: Solar, Gempa and Duri. Duri will be the referee so if anything seems to go badly, he could help out to stop it.

Gempa and Solar are at the center of the arena and with some distance from each other, they stretched to prepare. And on Duri's signal, the two will begin its spar.

"On my mark, 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!" Duri signaled and Solar leaped up taking the first move. Seeing this, Gempa immediately took the liberty of summoning Giga before Solar gets to attack and use his Solar Eclipse, "Heh, what can you do with a piece of rock?" Solar mocked, "Eish, aren't you a bit to mean? Giga!" Gempa shouted and gave a silent command to his golem. And since this was the first time that the elementals would fight each other, the two would try to hold back a bit.

Giga starts to jump high where Solar is and prepared its rocky punch, "... Too slow." Solar mumbled and leaped away from the giant's back, "Solar... Heat!!" Solar announced and a blast of heat waves went directly to the giant, making it crumble into nothing. Surprisingly, Solar was able to only damage the target and nothing else behind it, "Heh..." Solar had a smug look on his face but when he saw two more Gigas are on each of his sides and Gempa appearing before him, close above him, with quake fists on that's interlaced with the color of magma.

Solar wasn't able to think straight and could only put on a defense before Gempa punched him to the ground, the other two Gigas didn't do anything other than to corner Solar while Gempa punches.

This time, Gempa is the one who smiles, "Did you forgot that I could create more?" Gempa said, "Oww... tsk! I won't be tricked next time." Solar hissed, "I'm sure there won't." Gempa replied and Solar started to take a stance one more time before leaping again and this time, he leaped farther away from Gempa to get some distance away from him.

"Hmph! You can't keep running away forever. Quake Aftershock!" Gempa exclaimed, "I'm not running away!!!" Solar shouted back, "Putting dista— wait... did you just say aftersh—!!" Solar was interrupted by a small earthquake just now that caused by Gempa. "Now!!" Gempa announced, "Tsk!!" Solar hissed under his breath and leaped behind Gempa, still further away from him, while the two Gigas stopped and turns back to go after Solar.

'I won't be able to stand over there...' Solar thought, the area where Gempa directed his aftershock makes it dangerous for him to stay longer. Although the quake just then was weak, it will become stronger later on. So for now, he'll have to be on the other side.

(While I was researching for confirmation, I found out Solar can't fly.... So please imagine that Solar is falling when he leaped up T0T and things going faster or just don't think at all and continue on :DDD)

"Hmmm, maybe we should practice to not shout our attacks..." Gempa mumbled and turns to face Solar on the other side, "But that won't be any fun~~" Gempa smiles while Solar tries to think of a way to win this but before that, he shot light blasts to the two Gigas.

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