Bonus Story! Lunch Time!

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A/N: I completely forgot about the lunch event! Before the fight between Izuku and Shinso, the Class A girls got tricked by Kaminari and Mineta, so I will be doing a short story about this. I had skipped it cuz I really don't wanna explain the fight that you guys already know but because of that, I forgot the part I wanted to write between it   (;'Д')

Hope you don't mind!

Time for lunch!

"Time for lunch!" Gopal enthusiastically cheered, "I wonder what's on the menu? Hehe..." Uraraka pondered, both Uraraka and Gopal could be seen drooling, "Hehe... let's stuff ourselves a ton of food then for more energy!" Izuku cheered and that gave the two pals a glint in their eyes, "Will do!" Gopal and Uraraka pulled up their thumbs up.

"Not too much now, else you guys will be too full to move." Yaya warned and the two nodded, "Can't wait to try out the lunch in this school!" Gopal hummed, because of the amazing lunchboxes that Boboiboy had provided them, they weren't really able to test out the food in the school cafeteria, "Now that you mention it... Why did Boboiboy not gave you guys lunchboxes today?" Uraraka asked them, "Boboiboy had... a little meeting early in the morning and didn't have the time to prepare for lunch." Fang answered with Gopal grabbing his stomach, "He's a great cook too... but it's understandable since my bestest friend is on a mi—!" Yaya interjected Gopal with her hands covering his mouth, "He's almost done recovering so he's slowly going back to his daily routine!" Yaya told them with a brimming smile and Ying's bead of sweat trickled down in amazement of how her close friend could come up with such an excuse so easily without even lying.

"Ah! That's great! Then, that must mean he can take classes, right?" Uraraka said and Yaya nodded gleefully, "Hehe! He shouldn't miss out the exams and quizzes for too long." Yaya remarked with Gopal peering behind, looking like he was about to say something, "Dey! I bet he wants to avoid it as much as possible!" Gopal commented which Yaya turned to Gopal with an annoyed glare, "Goodness! Yaya's right! He shouldn't be missing out school as it is vital to one's life!" Iida explained with his regular hand gestures and with that little speech of Iida, Yaya looks at Gopal and smirked, "Heh. See? He gets it." Yaya said with her smug look, "Aduuhh... I hope Boboiboy gets miraculously study soon at this school..." Gopal commented, missing his best friend, since they had to lay low even with the grades, Yaya had been going around with 'I was right, wasn't I? Wasn't I????' and 'Look... listen... look!!' she says as she would swipes out a whiteboard and a marker out of her bag. It's like that when it's study time, since she can't make a perfect score on tests, exams and whatnot, she's been perfecting it in study time instead while Ying, well, she's been itching to run at full speed, often tapping her feet. Whilst Gopal and Fang weren't affected since they can normally be themselves with Gopal being as friendly as ever and Fang being the try hard popular guy. All of them had to lay low like that since after the mission, it's doubting to even come back here to visit and whatnot so they needed to make sure that they're presence isn't that very big to a point of remembrance.

Trays on the table and the group begins to eat, "It's amazing how the cafeteria could accommodate everyone's preference in food..." Yaya commented, "Yeah! I'm glad we don't have to check every now and then, it's kind of a hassle." Ying chuckled as she spoons up and munch her food, "It's delicious!" Ying remarked, "The cook made this?!" Ying said as she gobbles the food, "Slow down, Ying. You're gonna get a stomach ache if you do." Fang warned and Ying seemed to have heard it as she slowed down a bit.

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