Chapter 11

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"You've got everything, Gopal?" Ying asked, "Yup!" Gopal answered.

Like they planned, the KKG will meet with Uraraka, Iida and Izuku at the park for a picnic. As Gopal was about to carry the basket, Boboiboy came in the kitchen panting, "G-Gopal! Quick! Hide these for me!" Boboiboy called, "Hm? A box?" Gopal questioned, "Yeah, here!" Boboiboy handed the box to Gopal to hide, "Fang smelt carrots from the box and couldn't stop asking what's in it and wanted to open it." Boboiboy explained, "Pft! Then where's Fang now?" Gopal chuckled and then heard quick footsteps, "Ack! I'll stop Fang so please hide it for me!" Boboiboy said before going out the kitchen to stop the carrot donut lover from coming in, "Huh?! W-wait! Where am I supposed to hide it??" Gopal asked but Boboiboy was no longer there, "Why don't you transform it into something else, Gopal?" Yaya suggested, "But don't transform it into another food." Yaya continued.

Gopal thought for a while but flinched when he heard Fang's voice coming closer and Gopal panicked making him transform the box into a carrot donut. "Eh? Why'd you transform it into—" Ying stopped when Fang came in the kitchen and saw Gopal holding a carrot donut, "...are you gonna eat that?" Fang asked, pointing at the donut and Boboiboy came in and saw what's happening and just stood there not knowing what to do.

With a swift and quick thinking, Gopal's expression turned into a serious look and put on a smile with it, "That's right... it's a carrot donut mixed with Yaya's cookie ingredients!" Gopal announced, "Woah! Really?!" Yaya sounded excited, "Yup!" Gopal said, his face turned normal. The reason why the carrot donut has mixed with Yaya's cookie ingredient was because Gopal was trying to think of a way for Fang to not come looking for it so he thought of they cookie but then Fang came and surprised him, Fang reminded him of carrot donuts so the result became like this. "I didn't know you could do that?" Ying said, "Oh, since I've been using my powers to change things into chocolate and getting reprimanded by it by you. I was wondering if I could change what's on the inside and remain what's on the outside." Gopal said, "What?" Ying sharply said, "Uh.. eh.. ah! I-I'm grateful that you're looking out for me tho! And I swear I didn't eat too much sweets as much as before!" Gopal quickly explained, "Woah, that's awesome, Gopal!" Boboiboy cheered, "That's right! That power would be handy when doing rescue missions!" Yaya said, "That's... actually pretty smart of you for how to use it in another way..." Fang commented. "Hehehe! I may not like it but I'm still pretty smart!" Gopal cheered, "Well, you're better not be lying about the sweets thing." Ying said, "But it's cool how you could think of ways when it's related to food."

"Related to food, huh..." Yaya mumbled under her breath, 'Maybe with problem solving exercises where food is involved, Gopal could think many ways to answer...' Yaya thought.

"So, Fang, you still want it?" Gopal asked with a grin and Fang shakes his head, "No, no thank you. Haha... I'm a bit full for now." Fang sheepishly laughed, "Ooohh~~?? Is really that so??? You were literally desperate to get here for this tho~~??" Gopal teased, "You—!!" Fang could only smile and hide his anger, 'Haiizz... I know it's about my cookie ingredients, isn't it?' Yaya thought as she smiles how her friends would sometimes sacrifice themselves to eat one of her cookies but that just mean they didn't have an excuse to get out of and besides, there's already one person who loves her cookies.

"Alright. You guys ready to go?" Yaya asked, "Yes!" everyone answered in unison. "Well then, let's go!" Yaya and the gang cheered together and went to the park, meeting up Izuku, Iida and Uraraka there setting up a blanket under the shade of the tree. "They're here!" Uraraka announced to her friends before giving the KKG a big wave and the five waved back.

Soon, all of them set up their food and mats. "Hey, Izuku! You mind if I sit next to you?" Boboiboy asked, "No, no! Of course not!" Izuku said, waving his hands about in a cluster, "Hehe, awesome! Hm?" Boboiboy notices Izuku little mumbled as if he wants to ask something but is too shy for it. And even then, Izuku pulls through with it and asks Boboiboy, "U-umm, Boboiboy. I was wondering where you go to school?" Izuku asked, "Ohh, well, I... uhhh...." Boboiboy was about to answer Akademi Pulau Rintis but then remembered that school doesn't exist in this world. Unsure what to answer, he looks at his friends for help and Yaya then answers for Boboiboy, "Right now, Boboiboy isn't studying in school. He's recuperating after a villain attacked him." Yaya answered, 'Phew! Thanks, Yaya!' Boboiboy thankfully thought, "E-eh?! A villain attack?! Are you alright, Boboiboy?!" Izuku frantically asked, worried for his new friend, after all, he knows what it feels like being attacked by a villain. "I'm fine! I've been since long ago but these guys are still worried." Boboiboy explained and smiles to reassure the greenette. "Really?? Are you sure?" Izuku asked again, "Yup! I'm sure! I've been training while I'm recuperating too so now I won't have to worry about another villain attack, hehe!" Boboiboy cheerfully said, "Well, if you say so..." Izuku said, "Aduhh, even with all that training, you'll still end up getting hurt badly before you actually win the fight." Gopal remarked, "Ow!" Gopal was smacked by Ying.

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