Chapter 19

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Uraraka let out a sigh of relief, "We're finally allowed to go home..." she muttered, "It's a tiring day... it's too bad that we weren't able to finish this event..." Uraraka pouted, feeling guilty for others not being to show off their skills in the match. "I kinda wanted to see who would be the winner too..." Gopal wondered, the two pals muttering back and forth.

"Man..! I was so excited for this festival too!" Kirishima loudly announced to which the other students agreed. Especially to a certain blonde boy who couldn't accept the fact that he's fight was interrupted.

The mob had already went back home while the students stayed for a few minutes to clean their classes, change and take their bags with them and when reached the huge gate, they all saw an oddly familiar looking boy, although the colors of the clothes had changed, the cap was too recognizable.

There, Boboiboy was waiting patiently outside at the side of the school gate and Boboiboy noticing his friends already coming out, he waved happily, causing his friends to mentally face-palm themselves at their boy's idiocy.

"Hey, wait, isn't that the guy who...?"

"Woah!! It is him!!"

"It should be... just look at his weird looking cap."

Hearing this, Boboiboy's friends immediately went after to their friend in a hurry and gathered around him to hide him from everyone.

"What are you doing, you idiot?!" Fang smacked at the back of Boboiboy's head, "Ow! What was that for?" Boboiboy replied as he rubs the part where he got hit, "You're too recognizable with the cap! You'll be noticed in no time! No, scratch that, they already did!" Fang yelled in a whisper, "Alright, enough of that, we have to take Boboiboy out of here, quickly!" Yaya voiced out and Uraraka raised her hand slightly but still able to gain attention, "I know where we can hide for a while." Uraraka said then pointing at the students who were starting to walk faster to their direction, "Let's run or they'll catch up!" Uraraka added.

And so, Uraraka led the way.

The students couldn't catch up, well, mostly because the squad kept turning in corners which confused the crowd.

"Here we are!" Uraraka announced, "I think we were already safe a few hours ago." Gopal remarked then noticed his friends mouth agape as they stared at something so he looked to where they were looking at and that was when he understood why, the place that Uraraka led them to was a laundry shop.

Uraraka turned back to her friends, "This is the place I'm telling you guys! Back then, when I asked if I could hide out here, they would instantly agree and let me in their break rooms. Hehe... I would sometimes eat some snacks there from time to time too..." Uraraka explained which shocked everyone, "Hi-hide? Hide from what?" Boboiboy asked in concern, "Did something happen?" Izuku added, "Oh? Hehehe! It's nothing really! I was just playing hide n' seek with my friends!" Uraraka bluntly answered, causing everyone to fall back comedically.

"That's surprising.. I'm glad nothing big happened." Boboiboy muttered, "Alright! Let's head in, everyone! I wanna say hi to my friends." Uraraka said, causing the KKG to feel a little nervous to which Izuku noticed, "Are you all alright?" Izuku asked and the KKG flinched at the question but affirms him that they're fine.

The group then enter the laundry shop and the one on duty is none other than Kalimtan, "Hm? Oh! Uraraka, long time, no see!" Kalimtan waved at the girl before noticing the people behind her, "Friends?" Kalimtan pointed and Uraraka nodded in delight, "Hehe! I see new fa...ces.." Kalimtan widened his eyes to see the KKG, "Eh?! Kids?!" Kalimtan exclaimed, causing Uraraka and Izuku looked at him in confusion before realizing, "You know them?!" Uraraka questioned the man, "Small world, huh?" Izuku commented while scratching sheepishly the side of his cheek.

Boboiboy Crossover: Meeting the BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now