Chapter 29

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"It's not what you think." Yaya stated but the two boys had a skeptical looks on their face.

"Yeah, right." Best Jeanist replied, "If you don't wanna talk about it then I suppose I should stop." he said then looked at Katsuki, "You too, young Bakugo. We must not pry more."

"I don't care about the cadet thing...." Bakugo mumbled, "I just needed to know about that damn quirk!!!" he pointed to Yaya with a fierce glare, "What was that?! Tell me!!!" he demanded.

Yaya sighed and shook her head, "I can't tell you much. I'm sorry but if the time demands it, then I will." she answered.

"HUH?!?" Bakugo became irritated, "Fine then! I might as well make you use that move again!" his hands began to flare up tiny explosions, "Then it will be your time to explain, freak!" he sneered.

"Insulting me won't make me explain, Bakugo..." Yaya replied, and when Katsuki tried to launch himself to fight, Jeanist wrapped him up to stop him.

"That's enough, young Bakugo. You need to be patient." Best Jeanist said, "And Yaya... I hope that one day you could tell us." he added.

'I don't think there will be... We don't even belong here in the first place.' Yaya thought, 'Once we're done of our research, we'll be going back home...' 

It was night, close to night, but the interns are already closing in and tucked into bed except for some students that are still busy in the streets who are Boboiboy stalking Iida, Yaya planning to go to Hosu City and Fang having to listen Hawks blabbers while Tokoyami enjoys the show.

While for Gopal and Ying, they are asleep safe and sound. 'Man... this is life...' The duo thought as they peacefully snore into their dreams.

Iida was walking, walking and walking, around him was quiet and dark but that's all the more reason to suspect that there's something amiss. And there is, because there are accurately four people watching him in the shadows, he may not see them but he could feel his body shiver, 'Why do I feel like I'm being stalked???' he thought.

Yaya was already there, flying secretly and silently above the shadows. It was the same for Reverse, with his 3-tier light power, he could camouflage within the streets as he follows Iida. While the other two stalkers, they were the agents.

Reverse's coordinates were slightly wrong so now they had to follow Iida in his little adventures. But as they continue to watch over the little hero, nothing much was going on, it was peaceful and quiet with an occasional passerby from here and there.

And as Iida walks, he ponders if Stain would still even be here so as he finished his patrol and meets up with Boboiboy, he saw him tapping at a hologram from his watch but he couldn't clearly see what's in it, 'Must be work...' Iida thought. And as he got closer to the brunette, Boboiboy had already closed the hologram, upon observing more, Iida noticed the lack of hat.

Reverse noticed the approached and faced Iida with a sunny smile, "Hey, Iida! How's the patrol?" he asked.

"Splendid, no crime at all. How about your end?" Iida replied and Boboiboy answered with a thumbs up, saying that it went great as well. Iida hummed before deciding to ask, "Say, Boboiboy, what happened to your hat? You usually wore it." Iida asked, causing Boboiboy to flinch.

'A hat?' Reverse thought, 'So the other me wears a hat..?' Reverse sheepishly laughed before answering, "I must've forgot it. I'm sure it's back at the agency." he answered.

Boboiboy Crossover: Meeting the BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now