Chapter 25

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Was it the relief of seeing a kind Retak'ka? Or was the reliance of Reverse's friends that gave BoBoiBoy a chance to faint?

It's both.

"Fang, relax, if he's anything like Reverse then he must be strong himself." Gopal said but Fang only shook his head and kept checking if Boboiboy is still alive, Fang then sharply turned to Probe 1.0, "Why didn't you tell him about Retak'ka??? You should've at least known about this happening." Fang said, "Now look at him! He fainted! You should be ashamed of yourself for not letting your friend know about Retak'ka when you knew of the fact that your 'Reverse' had to go through so much troubles just to defeat Retak'ka!" Fang scolded Probe 1.0, "Aiyaa.... you're only saying that cuz you're worried that Gopal's theory is true." Probe 1.0 said, "Well, is it???" Fang questioned, "Well, yes..." Probe answered and Fang just gave him a frown, "Ehehe... oops??" Probe 1.0 said.

Fang then turned to Retak'ka, "And why are you here???" Fang hissed, "Dey! I didn't know that this would happen?!" Retak'ka defended himself, "Sure, whatever you say, bud." Hang Kasa remarked, "Oh, come on!" Retak'ka said and continues with, "Fang, don't be such a worry-wort. He'll be fine.... it's not like he'll suddenly break down a fever and die." Retak'ka added, adding the last part quickly. Fang then swiftly faced Ying with a horrid look, "Relax, us humans don't die that easily after fainting." Ying commented.

"How many times do I have to tell you this? Yes, I am being taught by Retak'ka." Reverse said for the umpteenth time, "No, but, really, seriously? Retak'ka?" Ying questioned, "Is your Retak'ka that bad that you all wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that Retak'ka saved me and even taught me how to master my elements???" Reverse questioned and everyone nodded, "Hm. Well, you all should try to accept it. He's from my verse anyways." Reverse said, everyone glanced at each other before turning back to Reverse, "Oh, alright. He does kinda sound incredible." Ying said. "Incredible and all but why all of us are here??? Shouldn't there at least two of us finding a way to find Probe?" Katian said, "It's different now since Reverse is here." Kaizo replied, "Say, since there's such things alternate versions of this universe, wouldn't that mean there's an alternate version of DimenBot?" Fang questioned, "That could mean the damaged DimenBot is actually Reverse's verse and ours is still visiting other worlds." Yaya said, the kids then turned to Kaizo, "Hmmm... its possible..." Kaizo mumbled, the kids cheered up a little when Kalimtan faked a cough to gather their attention to them, "Sorry, it's just that, there's only one DimenBot in every worlds and verses." Kalimtan admitted which shocked everyone, Katian came up to him with a puzzled look, "What do you mean by that??" Katian asked, "It isn't exactly told to everyone since it could be detrimental for DimenBot but there really is only one of them. If DimenBot is damaged in Reverse's verse then DimenBot is really damaged." Kalimtan said, "How would you know such information?" Kaizo squints his eyes at Kalimtan, "How do you know such a thing when you're still new in this agency?" Kaizo questioned which made the kids turned to Kalimtan in shock but their shock brings some form of deja vu.

"Uhhhh... I.... I was entrusted...! By someone that I can't tell!" Kalimtan said, "But how is it possible for there are only one DimenBot and no others???" Reverse spoke out, "True, that's just plain impossible!" Ying added. "That's the thing, it is impossible since DimenBot was never created in any of our universes or galaxies or anything at all. It's like DimenBot just came out of nowhere." Kalimtan said, "When the higher ups found DimenBot, it's name wasn't DimenBot in the first place but was completely different and since DimenBot wanted to be given a name by the higher ups, well, Admiral Tarung and Commander Koko Ci, but still, the old name became forgotten." Kalimtan added.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Ying said, "Why would DimenBot want to be renamed???" Ying asked, "If my memory serves me right.... DimenBot had stated it was because then they can freely access from here to there... like a disguise to blend in with the world." Kalimtan answered, "To blend in?" Reverse repeated, Gopal just stares at the agent Kalimtan with no thoughts in his eyes but mouth opens to say, "Are you actually new to this agency???" Gopal blurted out, which tensed Kalimtan, Kaizo eyed him together with Reverse and Katian.

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