Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight.

Once I drop everyone off and get back to my dorm, I see Adam sitting on his bed playing video games.

"DUDE," Adam says as he pauses his game.
"Dude? Are we those type of people?" I say with a laugh.
"Probably not but I feel like it was appropriate because I have so much to tell you."

I put my bag down and sit at the edge of my bed. Adam stares at me.

"Well?" I say.
"Aren't you going to call Charlie?" He says with a chuckle.
"Shit. You're right. He'd kill me if I listen to this story without him," I say with a smile.

I grab my phone and video chat Charlie and place my phone up on a dresser before he answers.

"Hey Nick and ...Adam?" Charlie asks excitedly. "DOES THIS MEAN IT'S STORY TIME?"

Adam and I both laugh.

"Adam didn't want to tell me about his weekend until we called you."
"Well, he's right because I would've hated both of you if I was kept out of the loop," Charlie says with a chuckle.
"Sure thing, Char," I say sarcastically.
"Um, guys?!" Adam says.
"Sorry yes, go ahead Adam. How was your weekend with Jacob?"

Adam throws himself on the bed and lets out a huge sigh of relief.

"It was amazing," he says as he sits back up.
"What did you guys do?" I ask.
"We just hung out here, but it was perfect. No one around, just getting to know each other again, without my paranoia getting in the way."
"That's how Nick fell for me," Charlie teased.

I felt my cheeks turn red.

"I mean, he's not wrong. Anytime we hung out alone, I just fell for him more and more," I say as I look into the phone.

Charlie's cheeks turn a similar shade of red.

"So are you guys going to see each other again?" Charlie asks.
"Yeah, we're going to keep hanging out, even with people around," he says.

Charlie and my eyes grow wider.

"You're going to come out?"
"Oh, I mean, like with you guys, or with Rob; just close friends and see how it goes," Adam says.
"I was about to say, that must have been some weekend," I tease.
"HAHAHA very funny," Adam says sarcastically.
"Well, Charlie is coming up this weekend, maybe we can all go do something?"
"That sounds like a lot of fun," Adam says.
"Oh this is so exciting! I'm so happy for you," Charlie says.
"He really is, he mentions you at least once a day," I say with a smile.

We all chat a bit more before Adam leaves to go shower.

"So doing anything fun this week?" Nick asks.
"Same things as always," I say with a shrug. "Hanging out with Tao and Aled, school, counting the days until I see you."

Nick smiles.

"Oh yeah? You normally count the days until you see me?"

I fake gasp.

"Um, yes! Do you not count the days until you see me?"

He laughs.

"I don't know if I would call it counting, but I definitely will say to myself something along the lines of, Wow I can't wait to see Charlie Friday. Does that count?"

I pause for a moment.

"I guess that's acceptable. I'll allow it," I tease.

We talk a bit more before hanging up. I take a shower and change into my pajamas. Something about this weekend felt more special than the other weekends we have spent together since he has left for Uni. I wonder if it'll feel that way when I'm up at Uni with him; I'm sure it will because that'll be our home, temporarily anyway. I never knew what my future would look like, or really even thought about it honestly; but now, I can't wait. The idea of a future with Nick is so exciting and I can't wait to start our lives together. As I get myself into bed, I see Tori standing in the doorway.

"Did you have a nice weekend? You seem happier than usual, even your normal happy when you see Nick."

I shake my head and laugh.

"Yeah, it was a good weekend, it was nice to have him here."
"It was good to see him, I guess," Tori teases.
"I think that might be the first nice thing you've ever said about Nick," I say with a laugh.
"You're probably right," Tori smirks as she walks away.

I lay down and shut off the lights. My phone goes off and I see that I have a text from Nick.

Nick: 5 days, but whose counting? xxx

Off To Uni! (Written after Nick & Charlie by Alice Osmen)Where stories live. Discover now