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Project Cadmus

3rd person POV

Desmond was pacing around his office frantically awaiting the call he was about to receive, his genome just watching him when suddenly eight blue screens emerged from the ceiling.

Unknown 1: Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with the light?

Desmond: yes, very sorry to disturb you at this late hour

Unknown 2: just speak the report

Desmond: Sir, of course. We had a small fire here at Project Cadmus, the origin of the incident is still unclear, but it seems to have attracted some unwanted attention from four sidekicks. It seems Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Lightning Rod, breached security, they found and unleashed the weapon, the Superboy. However, the clone is still under our telepathic control as ordered, the clone turned against his would-be liberators. The four are contained and we do not believe the league know they're here.

The scientist pauses for a moment.

Desmond: uhm, what should I do with them?

The eight leaders contemplated for a moment before the fourth answered.

Unknown 4: clone them

Unknown 1: the clones will serve the light, and only the light.

Desmond: and the originals?

Unknown 1: dispose of them, leave no trace.

Every screen disappeared one by one until only the eighth leader was left. The doctor was unaware of which of the leaders this was.

Desmond: is there something else?

Unfortunately for him this was the last member he wanted to hear. This was the one who rarely spoke, but the doctor hated it when he did. He started to talk, his voice sounded horse and deep, it sounded like someone stuck a rock down his throat.

Unknown 8: yes Doctor, I have something I would like you to follow up on a request, completed with discretion.

The doctor shivered slightly but gave in

Desmond: Yes of course, what do you need?

Unknown 8: I would request that the Lightning Rod be kept alive and brought to me.

Desmond: uh, may I ask why?

Unknown 8: I merely wish to talk with him; he has questions and I have answers

The screen cut off leaving Desmond to sigh in relief. He began walking down to the sub levels to begin.

Patrick's POV


Star City

Young Justice: The Lightning RodWhere stories live. Discover now