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Disclaimer: Bart Allen has already been introduced to the team by this point.




Nightwing, Miss Martian, Superboy and Beast Boy were all relaxing in the living room. The silence spoke a thousand words till it was broken by Beast Boy.

Beast Boy: where's Bart, Cassie, Jamie and Robin?

Nightwing: they- they went downstairs.


Jamie, the new speedster Bart Allen, Cassandra, and Tim were all down in the lower levels staring at Artemis's new hologram memorial. Surrounding them were the memorials of Ted Kord, the first Blue Beetle, Tula, aka Aquagirl and Jason Todd, the second Robin.

Cassandra: has anyone heard from Patrick?

Jamie: no, I heard that he sneaks in to "train"

Bart: so this Patrick is one of the most powerful members of this team right?

Cassandra: yes one of the ones, why?

Bart: well if Artemis was his girlfriend should we be worried about him going berserk?

Cassandra: no, Patrick—(sigh) he'll grieve, but he crossed the line before and he knows what it does to people who do it.

Jamie: exactly, he'll grieve. But he'll continue to grow to be the best of us.

Tim stared at the memorial of Jason Todd.

Tim: (he whispered) But Bart has a point.


Recognized Thor. D-0-6

Black Canary. 0-3

Green Arrow. 0-4

Wonder Girl. B-0-9

Kid Flash. B-0-3

The five heroes walked through the tube all in their uniforms. Donna had a new set of black armor with white stars scattered across it. Her lasso was blue instead of gold.

Donna: it's Darkstar now, B-0-9, update.

Miss Martian: what are you doing here?

Wally: we're here to help Patrick. Where is he?

Megan: he isn't here. He hasn't shown up for awhile.

Recognized Lightning Rod. B-0-1

They all spun around to see Patrick in his leather jacket. He looked absolutely horrible. His blond hair was so long flowed down his face, his eyes were bloodshot red and he had bags under is eyes. Nightwing flinched at the thought of what his friend was going through.

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