Family Matters

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Family Matters



Red Arrow was sitting on a rooftop overlooking the cops arresting a bunch of robbers when he heard a noise behind him. He spun around drawing a bow seeing Black Canary in her hero attire.

Red Arrow: what do you want?

Black Canary: we need you to come home for a bit.

Red Arrow: why, you want me to join that junior Justice League? No way.

Black Canary: Roy, its Patrick.

Red Arrow: (worried) what happened?

Black Canary: he's fine physically. But, he recently lost control of his emotions and killed somebody, a villain named Heimdall.

Red Arrow: oh, jeez, what do you want me to do?

Black Canary: we're going to relax at home, show him his family cares.

Red Arrow: fine, I'm in.

Black Canary: Thank you.

Red Arrow: hey, family matters.


Patrick was lying on the couch with a blank expression as Ollie walked in with a bowl of cookies.

Oliver: chocolate chip. Your favorite. I tried my best but this is really Dinah's thing.

He put the bowl on the table in front of Patrick and sat next to him.

Oliver: Patrick, no one is mad.

Patrick: all I ever did was try and make you proud, you and Dinah. And I failed at the first lesson you taught me.

Oliver: Patrick, you made a mistake.

Patrick: I'm no different from Zeus.

Oliver: you don't mean that. You lost control, we all have. When I first started, I was angry and bitter, I beat the living snot out of criminals, until I meet Dinah. Have some faith in yourself, things will get better.

Patrick's eyes welled up as Dinah walk in the door with Roy.

Dinah: Patrick, we wanted you to talk with us about it.

Patrick: I killed a man, what's there to talk about.

Dinah: Patrick please. You need to know that your ok. Me Ollie and Roy don't hate you, neither does the Team.

Patrick: Are- you sure?

Dinah: yes.

Roy: what did he do that made you angry? I heard talking about stuff like that can help.

Patrick: well... he threatened Dinah and Artemis. And in that moment I was so, scared about what he would do. Im so sorry

Dinah: (she kneeled in front of the boy and put a hand on his knee) Patrick, if it were a crime to care about family, we would all be in prison. If Heimdall threatened you I would have done the same. No hesitation.

Oliver: and the fact that you regret it this much is proof that you'll be ok.

Patrick: promise me something.

Dinah: anything.

Patrick: please don't fight Cronus, Heracles or Thor. I don't want Heimdall's threat to become reality. I-I can't lose you.

Dinah: I can't promise that but you won't lose me or Ollie. Even when I'm gone I'll always be with you. But remember, being a hero comes with consequences. So if I or anyone else here dies remember, justice, not vengeance.

Patrick: thank you for being forgiving (he turned to Roy and smirked) how did Dinah get you over here?

Roy: there he is. Well I'll be leaving now, see ya around.

Roy leaped out the window and drove off on a cycle.

Dinah: well, you gonna eat the cookies?

Patrick grabbed three and shoved them in his mouth.

Oliver: jeez man, slow down.

Dinah laughed and wrapped an arm around Patrick's shoulders and grabbed a cookie.

Dinah: welcome back son.



Patrick was sitting on a bench the next day. He was eating a burger when a old man with sunglasses sat down next to him.

Patrick: what do you want?

Cronus: well grandso-

Patrick: I'm not your grandson.

Cronus: well then I'll cut to the chase. This is your last chance. Stay out of my way.

Patrick: no. you think that the League is afraid of you? Plenty of metas came after them. Wanna know what they have in common? They all failed.

Cronus: they've done wonders punching gorillas and dealing with wannabe gods. Those are children, with play toys, Black Adam, Bane, Heimdall. They're powers are nothing compared to the power of man's true enemy. Time. Well I wish you luck kid. See you around.

He disappeared in a flash of green light. Patrick walked to the nearest Zeta Tube and went home distraught.

(Sorry about this chapter being super short but it's the best I could do. Thanks for your support and until next time PEACE!)

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