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Patrick got up in a especially good mood. After all what isn't there to be excited about. He made himself breakfast when he got a call.

Patrick: hello?

Nightwing: hey Pat. Listen you're probably not gonna like me very much, but I need Artemis for a mission. I promise it'll be quick.

Patrick: look man, don't worry about it. Just have her be careful.

Nightwing: always. She's already here. Oh and Patrick?

Patrick: yeah?

Nightwing: happy birthday.

Patrick: thanks man. You sure you cant make it?

Nightwing: unfortunately yes. See you around.

Patrick: see you

He hung up the phone and continued to set up.

Patrick: this is gonna be fun.


Patrick was on the couch when he heard a knock at the door. He got up and opened it, revealing a very happy Donna.

Donna: (she surprised him with an insanely fast hug) happy birthday!

Wally: (he joined the hug) yeah, dude. Happy Bday

Patrick: thanks for coming (he let the two go) come in.

Patrick led the two to the living room where he was watching Breaking Bad.

Wally: you finally gave it a shot?

Patrick: dude you were right. I was missing out.

Donna: (she made a bad impression of Heisenberg) 'Wally, we need to cook the cake'

Wally: look Donna, I love you, but never to that again

Donna: it's not that bad! Right Patrick?

Patrick: yeah sorry sis, I'm with Wally.

Donna: well fine then. But seriously, we should cook the cake.

Wally and Donna both went to the kitchen when the door was knocked on again. Patrick hopped it was Artemis who was yet to come back from the mission, increasing Patrick's slight worry. But it was not Artemis. Dinah and Oliver.

Dinah/Oliver: happy birthday!

Patrick: you guys made it!

Dinah: wait! You thought we would miss this? Your first Birthday?

Patrick: we I mean with the six leaguers off world I thought...

Young Justice: The Lightning RodWhere stories live. Discover now