The Future

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The Future



Lightning Rod was briefing Miss Martian, Superboy, Kid Flash and Red Arrow. They were going to try and find the lead Cultist and steal the apple.

Lightning Rod: remember the plan?

Miss Martian: yes.

Red Arrow: copy.

Superboy: lets get this over with.

Superboy ran to flank on the left while Miss Martian flew above.

Red Arrow: this shouldn't take long.

Lightning Rod: agreed. How's Lian?

Red Arrow: great actually. Im thinking about taking her to Patrick's memorial.

Lightning Rod: that's good. How are you?

Red Arrow: I'm still distraught over it. I still can't believe he's gone after two years.

Lightning Rod: me two.

Superboy: it''s time!

Lightning Rod: lets go.

Red Arrow fired down at one cultist as Lightning Rod ran towards the Oracle. Oracle saw her charging and opened a box that let out a golden glow. Roy shot Oracle with an arrow and he went down.

The remaining cultist got in front of the box while the four heroes charged. However, suddenly a flash of white light appeared and Atlas was standing there glaring at the heroes.

Red Arrow: oh god.

Superboy: I'll cover him, you guys get that apple!

Superboy couldn't get more than three inches as Atlas grabbed his neck and teleported away with Superboy.

Miss Martian: Conner!

Donna: get the Apple!

Lightning Rod jolted into the sky and blasted the cultist with lightning knocking them down.

Meanwhile Superboy was teleported to metropolis and slammed into a building in an alley. He tried to get up only to be grabbed by the leg and slammed into a garbage container and back to the wall. The Atlas punched him up on the roof and grabbed him midway up and threw him back on the ground.

Superboy saw Atlas standing over him and tried to run up only to be slammed back into the ground.

Atlas: this is not your fight Kon-el!

A metal spear ejected out of his arms and was about to stab him

Meanwhile in Italy Donna rushed to the apple and put it back in a box made of stone and has greek symbols on it. She closed the box with the apple inside.

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