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Wally was howling. Yup. Wally West was howling, in a werewolf costume. He finished and stared down at Wolf who was sleeping.

Wally: not gonna join in at all? What kind of wolf are you?

Conner: Wally, stop torturing him.

Megan: (she was wrapping some cloth around him to resemble a mummy) Hold still please

Wally: Megan, stop torturing him. Sucks for him anyways, being third wheel on our date.

Megan: Wally I invited the whole team to the dance. Zatanna too.

Recognized Lightning Rod B-0-2

Wonder Girl B-0-9

Patrick and Donna both walked through the Tube in casual clothing, no costumes.

Megan: hi! Uhm, where are your costumes?

Patrick: we can't go, sorry but we have some stuff to handle in Manhattan.

Donna: correct, sorry Megan, we just came for some food.

Patrick: says you, I'm here for the cookies.

The two walked in the direction of the kitchen. They got what's they needed and exited by the Zeta Tube to Manhattan's Central Park. The two seat down on a bench and waited

Donna: So, how's the thing with Artemis going?

Patrick: Great, never felt better in my life.

Donna: That's good.

Patrick: what about you and Wally?

Donna: oh, That's nothing more than a small crush.

Patrick: Donna, that's exactly what I thought with Artemis

They said nothing more as the two siblings continued to wait when the saw a woman being mugged by three men. They got up to intervene when three arrows shot them all in the shoulder. Patrick was confused until two motorcycles pulled up next to them. The two girls took off their helmets revealing Artemis and a raven-haired girl Patrick had never met before.

Artemis: hey Patrick.

Patrick: Artemis? What are you doing here? And who is this?

Artemis: oh, right you never met her

Zatanna: (she stuck her hand out) Hi, I'm Zatanna Zatara. Zatara's daughter.

Donna: she helped us find Tornado.

Patrick: cool. Artemis, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to the party?

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