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January 7th

Nightwing, Green Lantern, Captain Atom, Wonder Woman and Lightning Rod were standing with a scientist in the lab waiting for M'gann and her team to return.

Scientist: they are arriving now.

The Zeta tube activated

Recognized. Adam Strange. A-1-1

Miss Martian. B-0-5

Superboy. B-0-4

Beast Boy. B-1-9

Beast Boy: Nightwing! Lightning Rod! Check out my souvenir from the mission! (He held up a red alien band)

Miss Martian: Gar. Business first.

Beast Boy: noted

Nightwing: Zeta Squad. Report.

Miss Martian: our mission to neutralize the Krolotean Zeta platforms on Rann was a success.

Adam: I have also brought back specs from Rann to create a Zeta shield to prevent any more aliens  from beaming to earth off world.

Captain Atom: how will this affect our own Zeta capitibilities?

Adam: it won't, the shield will activate at an altitude above the Watchtowers orbit. League Zeta tubes will still function normally.

Breast Boy: tell them about Rimbor. Tell them about the sixteen hours!

The entire room had their eyes on M'gann.

Miss Martian: it might be easier to show you.

She put her hand to her head and images were in the heads of everyone there.

Miss Martian: I successfully interrogated a Krolotean general on Rann who had paid off a member of the Rannian science command to allow Kroloteans to land a secret base in the Rannian jungle. Once there the Kroloteans stole Zeta Platform technology from Adam Strange's friend Saradath. They landed another ship in New Orleans and used Zeta Platforms to teleport a few hundred Kroloteans to earth. They built more platforms, brought in more Kroloteans and began abducting and replacing humans. (She let her hand down) perhaps has part of an invasion strategy. Though that's still unclear.

Captain Atom: but why earth?

Wonder Woman: and what does this have to do with the sixteen hours?

Miss Martian: (she put her hand to her head again) well as you know, five years ago Vandal Savage took control of the entire League. He then had Lightning Rod... killed and resurrected only to be place under his control to. Six Leaguers, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Hawkwoman were missing for a full sixteen hours. It turns out you were teleported to a planet called Rimbor where you spent sixteen hours on a rampage, attacking everything in sight, you all announced in multiple alien languages, that you were the Justice League of earth, and that the rest of the galaxy should beware, for we have the son of Zeus. And that he's willing to continue in his father's footsteps. That's why the Kroloteans came. The League itself brought Earth to their attention. They also want revenge for what Zeus did to them. Though we have no idea what that is.

Young Justice: The Lightning RodWhere stories live. Discover now