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Artemis and Green Arrow were firing arrows at the new spider themed villain who was crawling on the side of a building. The Tarantula jumped across the building and tackled Arrow to the ground. Artemis fired her bow causing him to back flip away.

Green Arrow: good girl. Uh take the lead on this one.

Artemis fired a frost arrow hitting the webbing, sending the spider tumbling. Artemis shot a netted arrow at him capturing the villain.

Green Arrow: nice work.


Artemis: (excited) did you see the look on his face? Oh, okay he was wearing a mask but did you see the look on his mask?

Lightning Rod suddenly landed from on top of a nearby roof.

Artemis: Lightning Rod! You wont believe what happened!

Green Arrow smirked.

Artemis: right. Calming down.

Lightning Rod: I bought cookies.

Artemis: (she and Patrick entered the tube. Artemis turned to Arrow) see you next week?

Green Arrow: you bet.

Artemis smiled and closed the door.

Recognized Lightning Rod B-0-2

Artemis B-0-7

Green Arrow: been watching long?



Recognized Artemis B-0-7

Green Arrow: Artemis. Just in time.

Patrick walked up to her and held her hand.

Green Arrow: look who's agreed to join the team.

Roy turned to face the blond

Wally: Finally!

Artemis: sure, the team needed a real archer.

Patrick looked down at her, confused but let it ho when Ollie spoke.

Green Arrow: okay people, listen up. The dynamic duo's on a case in Gotham but Batman gave me a heads up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong, New Orleans international airport.

Zatanna: in full costume? Nervy.

Green Arrow: in street clothes. Facial recognition software picked up the ID. Find out what he's up to.

Young Justice: The Lightning RodWhere stories live. Discover now