Movie Night

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(A/N: so it's another short one. Hope you enjoy this wholesome and filler episode)

Movie Night



Patrick nervously paced around his room with his hand on his forehead. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and some jeans. He and Artemis agreed as a "first date" Artemis and himself would watch a movie at Oliver's house. He kept pacing till Dinah spoke up startling him.

Dinah: You'll be ok.

Patrick: (yelps) how long have you been there?

Dinah: ten minutes.

Patrick: it's been that long?

Dinah: yes, and as your adoptive mother—

Patrick: correction, my mother.

Dinah: oh, well anyways then, as your mother I can tell you that you'll be fine. You and Artemis are going to make a great couple.

Patrick: but what if...

Dinah: (she interrupted him) Patrick Joseph Lance. no what ifs! You are a good person and Artemis knows that, you won't screw up. I know it. Now Artemis is gonna be here any minute. And your gonna be the gentleman she knows you are and have a great time with her. Understand?

Patrick: y-yes, understood.

The doorbell rang and Dinah beckoned him to the door downstairs. Patrick walked to the door while Dinah went to the other living room in the mansion. He took a deep breath and opened the door to see Artemis standing there looking beautiful as ever, the moonlight perfecting her gorgeous golden hair. She was wearing a brown leather jacket with a white tee shirt underneath and some jeans. Patrick couldn't help but but stare for a bit.

Patrick: uhm, hi. You look beautiful, as always

Artemis: hi. So do you. Sooo...

Patrick: oh right! Come in.

Artemis giggled as she walked in the door and hung her coat on the rack.

Patrick: well the movie room is this way. (He stuck out his hand) follow me.

Artemis: (she took his hand) gladly, Patrick.

Patrick and Artemis walked through the large house hand in hand till they reached the smaller living room, though as small as it was it had a very large TV. Artemis and Patrick took a seat right next to each other in the middle of the couch.

Artemis: so what are we watching?

Patrick: well I was thinking that new Top Gun movie. Maverick?

Artemis: yeah, people say it's good, lets do it.

Patrick: ok.

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