Auld Acquaintance

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Auld Acquaintance



Patrick and Dinah were fighting a bunch of thugs who were delivering Venom to Bane in Gotham. Patrick just punched the last one in the crate. Patrick laughed till he heard Dinah scream. He spun around to see she took a cut from a knife. Patrick blasted the thug with lightning and went to canary's side

Patrick: are you ok?

Dinah: I'm fine.

Patrick: why'd you do that? I could have taken that hit.

Dinah: because. We protect each other. Patrick when you see someone in danger, your natural instinct should be to save them. And believe me. I'll always save you.

Patrick: (he put his hand on her shoulder) you already did Dinah. In that alley way.



Kid Flash: so you put a Starotech in each meme ear of the Justice League? Now they all work for Vandal Savage?

Red Arrow: yup, pretty much.

Aqualad: I sent coordinates to the rest of the team, they're coming with Red Tornado and Black Canary.

Right on queue the Supercycle arrived on the roof of the building Artemis, Robin, Rocket, Red Tornado and Zatanna got out, Red Tornado carrying Canary on his shoulders. Then something happened that caused confusion amongst the group.

Artemis dropped to her knees and began sobbing.

Ms Martian: Artemis, what's wrong?

Artemis steadied herself to answer before Donna answered for her.

Wonder Girl: wait, where's Patrick.

Artemis sobbed harder.

Aqualad: Robin...

Red Arrow: oh my god.

Superboy punched the wall. Donna put her hand to her mouth in a attempt not to let out a sob. She failed.

Roy Wally and the rest just stared at the ground.

Red Tornado: I can cure Black Canary. Shall I?

Robin: do it.

Artemis: (she stood up) we're going to save the League, for Patrick.

Wally: for Patrick.

Donna: for Patrick.

Robin: for Patrick

Red Tornado: Canary's waking up.

Robin: I mean this seriously. How do we describe his death to Dinah?

Aqualad: he died, what's there to say?

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