The Party

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The Party

Donna was in her home reading a book. She got a text from Wally saying "wish you were here!" With a photo of him, Kaldur, Roy, Jade and Artemis at the bar Patrick was singing at. She smiled until she heard a familiar voice.

Atlas: Donna.

Donna spun around and saw Atlas Standing there in his armor.

Donna: what do you want Atlas?

Atlas: to talk. You and your League has let criminals commit atrocities over again. All because your to cowardly to kill. I was not. I was willing to pull the trigger. And my world has achieved peace

Donna: you're wrong. Your world is living in fear

Atlas's mask came of and he show his scarred face.

Atlas: look me in the eyes and say that. If my league pulled the trigger, I wouldn't be like this. I would be home, with Artemis, living the life I was supposed to.

Donna: you did that to yourself.

Atlas: yeah. But soon, you'll have to kill me. There's a war coming sis. It's kill, or be killed.

Atlas disappeared in a flash of blue light, leaving Donna to ponder what he said.


Patrick just got off stage with his mother. He smiled as he met Artemis who hugged him.

Artemis: that was so good!

Roy: the fact that you can sing and never told me is bizarre.

Kaldur: agreed.

Wally: I'll say!

Dinah: please tell me you two have been planning the wedding.

Artemis: (her arm wrapped around Patrick's waist) yup. We're going to the beach in about three months. That'll be the where we saw the vows.

Patrick: and as for the bachelorette and Bachelor party, we were think of doing them tomorrow.

Kaldur: did you decide who will be your Groomsmen?

Patrick: You, Roy, Wally, Dick and Conner.

Artemis: mine will be Jade, M'gann, Zatanna, Donna and Raquel.

Dinah: I am so proud of the man you've become Patrick.

Patrick: I know


Patrick decided to take the boys to a bar in Star city. He was waiting in his house for the others. He heard a knock on his door.

He opened it and saw Kaldur.

Kaldur: good to see you Patrick.

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