The Last Prophecy

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The Last Prophecy



Patrick woke up in a hospital bed. He got up groaning and looked around to see Artemis sitting next to him, Dinah and Ollie standing on the opposite side of the bed.

Patrick: how long was I out this time.

Oliver: not long, using your powers with the helmet just overwhelmed your cells for a bi—

Artemis: what were you thinking?! (She snatched his hand) I almost lost you.

Patrick: if I had a dime for the amount of times I heard that.

Artemis: don't joke. (Tired) Please don't joke.

Patrick: (he put his hand on her cheek and wiped a tear) you have to accept that death is a reality that none can escape. And even after I'm gone, I'll always be with you. I learned that from a smart woman. (He winked at Dinah who smiled at him) where's Zatanna?

Patrick began to stand up and walked out of the room.

Artemis: follow me.

Artemis led him to Zatanna's new room that was still littered with unpacked boxes. Zatanna sat on the couch meeting no one's eyes

Patrick: I'm so sorry Zatanna, I didn't mean to get your dad—

Zatanna: I don't blame you Patrick, it wasn't your fault.

Patrick: well I still owe it to your dad, so I'm going to the underworld to get you some spell books.

Zatanna: Patrick, you don't need to—

Patrick: I know, but I owe my uncle a visit and might as well grab a little gift. See you later.

He pecked Artemis's lips and went to the tube. He ended up on liberty island, and unfortunately this time people were actually on it. He felt a finger tap his shoulder, and saw Hades standing there. Suddenly Patrick was engulfed in darkness. Once it disappeared he was in a library. Hades still standing next to him.

Hades: so what do I owe the pleasure nephew?

Patrick: do you have any books on sorcery?

Hades: something similar to that hero Zatara's magic? I have plenty. But that's not the only reason you came by?

Patrick: that and the oracle.

Hades: the oracle perished with Olympus. But she did speak of a prophecy, that involved the last son of Zeus, which is you.

Patrick: can I see it.

Hades flicked his hand and a roll of paper appeared in font of Patrick. He grabbed it and un rolled it. He read it out loud.

Patrick: the last son of Zeus.

Will endure the eradication of Olympus.

Foes shall bear arms in the infinite cosmos.

And shall keep his vow with a final breath.

Patrick put the paper in his pocket processing the information.

Hades: I am sorry child.

Patrick: well, it's part of the job. Did you get those spell books?

Hades: yes, I did. (He handed his nephew a basket of books.) safe travels. And good luck.

Patrick was then teleported out of the library and back to his home.


Cronus stood in the park as Dinah approached him.

Dinah: I wont do it.

Cronus: the expected answer. After everything that's boy's been through I doubt Thor could beat him as easily as he once did.

Dinah: if you hurt Patrick.

Cronus: such harmful words miss Lance, don't let your love for Patrick cloud your humanity. After all, the prophecy he just discovered I may not even need Thor, I'll just have to wait.

Dinah: what prophecy?

Cronus: I'm sure Patrick would love to tell you

Dinah: we'll beat you

She walked away leaving Cronus staring at the lake. He smirked.

Cronus: that final breath will be sooner then you think Alexios.

And I'll be watching

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