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(Hello guys, here is Chapter 14. And like I said, I kept my promise. Enjoy the story!)

Kassandra, she's one mysterious figure.

Y/N have many doubts of who this person might be. What is she, an agent? Does she work for the Imperial State? For the Minister? Who knows?

Whatever questions Y/N has in mind, it will all soon be answered.

He hopes...

He and his friend Luna are trotting on their horses. Kassandra trotted on her horse, leading the duo just ahead of them.

Luna and Y/N exchanged glances, with Luna motioning to her fellow High-Rank by shaking her head as if he knew who she was. Y/N silently responded with a denying shake of his head. He took a look at Kassandra in front of him.

There was an air of intriguing curiosity surrounding her, piquing his interest. Unlike himself and Luna, she lacked the customary badge or insignia signifying her rank, yet the Iron Sword hanging from her belt held a story of its own. Although devoid of enchantments, it whispered tales of battles and skills that begged to be unravelled.

His gaze wandered to her substantial brown hat, reminiscent of a Western cowgirl's, though here she held no lasso but instead cradled that singular Iron Sword. Her attire exuded a formality that stood out in stark contrast to his everyday encounters. He had never seen anyone wear such elegant clothing like that at all.

As his eyes drifted downward, they were met with the gleaming sheen of her latex pants—a material he had seldom encountered before. It left him wondering who in the Overworld where wear something like this, a question that lingered in his mind like an unresolved riddle, adding to the enigma that was this intriguing figure before him.

Y/N's gaze then switched to Luna, who is still silently mourning after the death of her friend.

"I'm sorry," he said, his tone filled with genuine condolence. "About what happened to

Luna sniffled as she looked up at Y/N and smiled at him, "I'm fine, Y/N. Thank you."

Y/N nodded.

"Sometimes," she continued, "death is inevitable, ya'know? I'm willing to spend the remaining time of my life fighting for our survival in this fucked up world full of mobs."

Y/N nodded and smiled at her determination. "I'll be with you one step at a time."

Luna grinned, feeling her shoulders lighter now than before.

Y/N's curiosity did not waver as he had many questions to ask Kassandra, but he knew those questions could be answered by the time this enigmatic woman brought him and Luna to their destination.

However, he can't resist and asks her, "Uhh, excuse me, Miss Kassandra, can I ask you a question?"

Kassandra looked over his shoulder and said, "Anything."

"May I know who you're working for?"

Kassandra looked forward and made a faint smile. "I work with the Imperial State. Not 'for', 'with'."

Y/N's eyes widen with admiration as he realizes she works with the most powerful kingdom city in all of the Overworld. That city is known for so many things: weaponry, resources, food, Redstone, wealth (specifically, emeralds), et cetera. Many people try to live in the Imperial State, but sadly, it's only for the wealthy and for what they call the World Stars.

What are 'World Stars' you ask? Figures like Daniel 'the Diamond Minecart' Middleton, Clay 'Dream', Charles 'Einshine' Hikaru, and Felix 'Pewds' Arvid. They are the 'World Stars' in the Overworld.

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