Part 2- Matt and Chris

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Request from ChrissyOwenRose
Not proof read 😆

The next morning Matt woke up snuggled up with Nick. He sat up and slid out from his grip. He walked into the kitchen, yawning loudly and rubbing at his eyes. He looked up and saw Chris sitting at the counter, earbuds in, slumped over a bowl of cereal with his hood up.
"good morning" Matt yawned again.
Chris looked up for a second before dropping his head again and quickly cleaning his bowl, practically sprinting to his room.
Matt's face scrunched up.
"That was weird...what's his deal" he mumbled.
"Hey Nick?" He said loudly, walking back into his room
"Mmm what!" Nick whined.
"Did something wrong with Chris?" Matt questioned.
"Uh I don't know he was acting kinda weird last night...whatever you said to him scared the shit outta him" Nick responded, lazily getting up and messing with his hair.
Matt sat on the edge of the bed, what did he do that made Chris so scared?

Oh shit.


Chris pulled away from the hug.
"Matt you okay?"
Matt shoved away from him.
"Leave me alone Chris"  Matt spat out.
"Oh...uh are you su-"
"CHRIS! Just stop! You're being annoying god you're just a waste of space." Matt said as he walked over to his desk, grabbing a headset.
"Um...okay" chris left the room, lip quivering.

~end of flashbackkkkkkk~

"Dammit!" Matt half yelled.
"What's wrong?" Nick asked.
"I was an idiot that's what" Matt ran downstairs to Chris' room.
He knocked gently on the door.
The door opened and Matt was faced with Chris, he looked tired. There were large bags under his eyes and he was really pale.
"Chris...I'm sorry"
"For what?" He sounded suprised.
Matt almost laughed.
"Chris, tell me you didn't believe what I said last night" The soft smile on Matt's face faded immediately.
Chris just shrugged and went to move back into his room.
"No no, Chris, none of that was true. You're not annoying, you're not a waste of space, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way." Matt stated, taking Chris' hand and bringing him over to his bed.
He took Chris' face in his hands.
"You really don't think I'm a waste?" He asked quietly.
"Of course not. I could never think that."

Chris broke down.

He started sobbing hysterically and his breath hitched in his throat.
Matt didn't say anything, just frowned and pulled Chris close to him.
"Shh it's okay I'm right here I love you so much bubs"
"I love you Matty" Chris whispered.
Matt pulled him down onto the bed and kissed Chris' forehead.
"Shh just breathe with me" Matt kept eye contact with Chris.
"In......out.....good bub good job." It went on like this for a while before Chris eventually got drowsy.
"You can sleep bubs, I'm right here"

"I love you Matty B" Chris mumbled.
Matt chuckled.
"I love you too chrispy creme"

I hope you really liked this one, I LOVED writing this one it's kinda bad but that's okay I still liked it! thank you so much for the request!!! Keep sendin 'em babes!

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