Untimely death

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Hey everyone what's happening, I just finished 3 weeks of camp so sorry for not posting 🥲it hurts me too I know I've missed you guys. Anywho here's this, it was a request, so whomever that was here you go I love you all very much
(I did listen to 30th when writing this 😐)

TW: death, car accident

(No one's POV)

Matt Nick and Chris were all sitting in a drive thru when they saw 2 ambulances, flying down the street.
"woah" Nick gaped.
"I hope they're okay" Chris commented, going back to his phone a moment later.

Time skip 30mins they're filming now

(Matt POV)

We were sitting filming a new video, me and Nick were arguing about what deodorant sent is better when Chris' phone started vibrating. He glanced at it before answering. Me and Nick both gave him a look, why was he taking a call in the middle of a video.
"this kids crazy" Nick mumbled, grabbing some fries.
"Shh it's Issac's mom" Chris shushed him.
Issac is Chris' really good friend they've been besties for a while now, Nick and Matt aren't as close with him.
I frowned, why on earth was Issac's mom calling Chris? I was still looking at him when he got considerably paler. I nudged nick and watched as Chris started breathing heavy.
"thanks for l-letting me know" he whispered before hanging up, letting his phone drop into his lap.
"Chris? What's wrong bud?" I asked timidly, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.
That was all it took.
Chris' hands flew up to his face as he started sobbing, shaking like crazy while he cried.
"Hey, hey you have to tell us what's wrong sweetheart" Nick said, rubbing his back while I swung open my door. I quickly ran around the car, pulling his door open, catching the end of Chris' panicked sentence.
"-dead, the impact killed him"
Oh no.
"Oh Chris- Chris im so sorry" I said, letting him fall into my arms and hugging him tightly against my chest. His sobs only got louder as he clung to my hoodie.

(Nick POV)
I watched Matt pull Chris to his chest as his cries got louder. I reached and grabbed the camera, turning it off before leaning forward into the hug.
After a solid five minutes Chris was still crying and he was only getting more panicky.
"Hey hey Chris, just try and take a few deep breaths, yeah?" I suggested. He didn't say anything yet I could feel him trying to breathe slower and deeper.
"Good, good buddy" Matt whispered. We shared a look before pulling away from Chris.
"C'mon sweetheart let's go home." I said, opening my arms to him when Matt guided him to the backseat. He snuggled into my side and took some shallow breaths, soon falling asleep from pure exhaustion.
I pulled out my phone and made a post,

Hey everyone, we're gonna miss this fridays post and possibly some more in the future, Chris just lost a close friend of his in a car accident, and we wanna take some time to grieve with him and love on him. Thank you so much for understanding we love you all, wear your seatbelts and stay safe.

It was immediately showered with love and support and I closed my phone, relishing in the quiet snores coming from Chris.
When we got home I carried Chris inside and down to his room. Math followed me and we both decided it would be best to let him sleep. Right as we turned to leave he whimpered. We both turned around and saw him with a hand stretched out to us.
"Please" he cried.
Neither of us said anything as we kicked off our shoes and got under the covers with him. Matt kissed his forehead and hugged him close and I pulled the both of them to me, feeling extremely grateful that they were here and safe.


This is one is kinda depressing so sorry about that but I hope you're all doing well and I can't wait to hear your feedback 😘

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