Tour- Chris

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Yes. I know. Another Chris one...I just can't help it. PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS

{Chris POV}
I lowered my mic and took a deep, shaky breath.
It was all too much. There are too many people and it's too loud and it's too hot.
I can't freak out. Not here, in front of all these people. The people who look up to me, adore me, I wouldn't let them see me break.
I took another deep breath. I looked over to Matt and Nick. Nick was talking into his mic, answering some sort of question, meanwhile Matt was laughing at whatever he's saying.
I choked on a breath. Everything slowed down. People are shouting, the music is blaring, the lights are too bright and I cant breathe. I looked back to my brothers. Nick was talking to a fan but Matt looked back at me.
"You okay?" He mouthed, frown on his face.
I didn't respond, I choked out a sob and threw a hand over my mouth, running off the stage.

{Matt POV}
"Shit" i mumbled, watching Chris run off the stage.
I ran over to Nick and touched his shoulder.
"Hey what's up?" Nick asked, smile on his face.
"Chris just ran off stage crying" Matt deadpanned.
"What?" Nicks smile faded before he turned back to the audience,
"Alright Malcom take it!" He yelled with a fake smile, waiting for Malcom to start the song before we both bolted off the stage. We split up to cover more ground.
I saw him first.
"Aw Chris" I said to myself, looking pitifully at my brother. Chris was curled up in a ball, his face hidden in his knees as his shoulders heaved with sobs.
"Chris? What's goin on buddy." I said, sitting down criss cross in front of him.
He said nothing, just looked up at me before crawling into my lap and burrying his face into my shoulder.
"Shh it's okay, what's wrong bub?"
I rubbed his back hoping to offer some comfort.
"T-too mu-much" he said softly, hiccuping out the words.
I nodded silently,
"It's okay, I get that sometimes everything gets really stressful"
He only nodded against my chest and tried to follow my breath. 
"Good job buddy just relax" I whispered, holding him close.

{Nick POV}
I heard Matt's voice close by and turned the corner to see Chris curled up with him, shaking like a leaf.
"Chris? Matt? You guys okay?"
I approached them cautiously.
"Yeah, someone just got a little overwhelmed is all" Matt said sweetly, smiling down at Chris.
I frowned and came to sit next to them.
"Nicky" Chris whimpered, reaching his arms out to him.
"C'mere Chrissy, you poor thing" I took Chris by the arms and pulled him to me. He whined and snuggled closer, closing his eyes.
"Matt c'mon" he whispered holding his arm out inviting Matt into the hug.

{no one's POV}

By the time Malcom was done with 2 songs they were ready to go back on stage, but Chris was being really clingy. Like really clingy.
So that's why the audience started cooing and awing at the three when Nick came on with Chris on his back, face hidden, holding Matt's hand.
~that's gonna be an edit~ Nick thought before smiling wide at everyone.

HIII this was my request cause no one gave me any lmao. PLEASE SEND THEM IM BEGGING. But I loved making this one. Hope you enjoy it bye Lovlies!

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