Epilepsy- Matt

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Heyy everyone this one's is for izzy_angel05 gonna be kinda short (I'm sorry 😞) but I've been very very stressed out and like just wanted to get this one done 😫

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, love you babies 💕

TW: seizure, fainting

Nicks POV-

Matt's anxiety had been off the rails the past few days. Even now they're sitting watching a movie and his leg is bouncing up and down relentlessly. Chris is holding his hand, having noticed the situation, but nothing they did could calm him down. He was still taking deep breaths after the movie ended and I got up and flicked on the lights. Only then did I see Matt's face. He was ghostly pale and looked like he was going to pass out any second.
"Matt..." Chris started as Matt began to stand up off the couch.
Before he could finish his sentence Matt started seizing on the ground.
Chris stood up in panic, I was freaking out but at least I knew what to do. I started a stop watch and grabbed some things he could hurt himself on before taking Chris' hands and pulling him towards me.
"He'll be okay" he was mumbling to himself. I was stressed out. What if he wasn't. What then?
Eventually the seizure stopped, barely before the two minute mark. I let go of Chris and we both helped him to sit on the couch. I traced circles on his back and Chris muttered words of encouragement to him as he sat their breathing softly.
"Im gonna pass out" Matt mumbled quietly, looking at me, terrified.
"Shh you can sleep if you need too it's alright."
Chris and I both squeezed his hand as he fell asleep snuggled up with us.

Sorry, that was kinda short. I'll see you next time folks idk when I'm gonna post next but I'll try for tmw or Friday
Bye lovies 💕

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