Bullied 🥲

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Okay, the picture is so cute like so adorable
Literally crying rn cause the sturniolos birthday is tomorrow and I can't handle that I don't want them to grow up cause as they get older their gonna get more distant from YouTube and I'm not okay with that...ANYWHO
this was a request...but I honestly am in the writing zone and I'll prob forget to put it in later so I'm sorry 😭
Buttttt I hope you enjoy

(I was listing to Emma chamberlains podcast during this 😌)

And here we gooo

(Chris POV)  takes place in their freshman year of high school

I don't wanna go to school. I'm crying. I'm in the kitchen. Mom's talking to me. Nick looks annoyed. Matt looks concerned. Someone's hugging me. I don't go to school.

Omg that was kinda deep

The next day mom says I have to go. I walked through the heavy metal doors as Nick basically dragged me to my first class.
He stopped infront of the door.
"Have a good day I love you" he said, pushing me in the door before walking off. I shuffled to my seat and pulled out my ipad so it looked like I was doing something. I mindlessly drew with my finger along the grooves on the table.

Second and third period came and went.
(I'm my school we have 8 periods btw)

I was walking to fourth period when I heard them.
"Hey Chris, gonna have another spaz attack (anxiety attack) today? Freak."
He (idk...umm Stewart!) spat out, Joey laughing behind him.
I stopped.
"Stewart can you and Joey just leave me alone today?" I squeezed my eyes shut I really couldn't do this right now.
"What's the matter freak show, gonna cry if I hurt you?" Stewart asked, spinning me and letting Joey punch me square in the face.
It knocked me down to my feet, and I silently prayed someone would come around the corner.

No one did.

With every kick and slur I wished for the same thing.

Please god please someone come help me

Suddenly someone was picking me up as both boys were thrown off of me.

It was Nick and Matt. Of course it was. No one else would care enough to help me.
I broke down into tears.
"Woah Chris hey it's okay" Nick said, slowly pulling me towards the bathroom, Matt rushing ahead. When we got there Matt made me sit on the sing as he wiped blood off my face. Softly apologizing when I winced. He finished quickly and the both pulled me into a hug. My sobs only got louder. I felt pathetic. I can't even stand up for myself let alone stand up for others. I'm supposed to be strong, tough. But I'm not. I'm just a stupid, worthless,  freak.

"Chris please don't say that about yourself."

Shit I said that out loud.

(Nick POV) duna dun dun

"But it's true" Chris kept pushing this idea that he was a freak, stupid, worthless.
"Chris no" I pleaded, pulling back so he could see my face.
"You're so Special. And who cares if you're a freak, everyone's a freak. Everyone has weird little quirks that make them that enjoyable."
I said, gently swiping away his tears that were slowly lessening. (Why did I use that word, ew)
"And we'll always love you no matter what, there is no changing that" Matt spoke up, pulling him close one last time.
"C-can we go home?" Chris asked softly.
"Yeah of course, I already texted mom" Matt said, all of us laughing a little bit.
"Cmon Chris I'll carry you" I said, putting on my backpack backwards so that I could carry him on my back. They all walked out of school that day, covered in blood, some not their own and no one questioned them. Not even their mom.

It's safe to say those kids never talked to Chris again.

I'm so sorry this was kinda a crappy ending but I'm tired and I still like it. Anywho keeping this nice and short, I'll see you all again at some point, love you all, I'm proud of you, keep going.


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