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The castles interior was beautifully built she thought. stunning as one would say. It had twisting hallways, brilliantly decorated furniture, high crystal chandeliers, deep velvet carpeting with marvelous, checkered marble floors.  There were many of rooms in this castle some in use and others left to sit. Sofia only needed to remember where the library, opera hall, dining room, kitchen, the maid quarters, the wine room, the lady and her daughter's rooms were all. The rest needn't be thought of unless the lady says otherwise. Sofia as of now was looking for the wine room to get her lady her favorite wine. Sofia then stopped reaching the room she needed to enter. above the door in golden letters, it said 'Wine Room'. She opened the door in a gentle manner closing the same way she entered. now she browsed looking for the wine her lady loved. Sofia found it in about one minute or so. "Ah Ha found it hopefully this will appease the Lady. Bela did say to bring it to her room. But this early... The lady must be in a foul mood to be drinking now." Sofia had seen the Lady many times before and it was best not to get on her bad side especially if you're a fan of living.

Her lady and her daughters have been rumored to be cannibals they bring maids in and then they never came out. Yes, some of it was true and Sofia agreed, she thought of them as monsters. Void of any human emotion, all they knew was how to hurt and kill without mercy. They were something to fear and respect but fear above all else. Grabbing the wine Sofia opens the door in the same gentle manner and closes it in that very same way, then proceeded to leave for her lady's room to give her homemade wine. When she made it to the front of her lady's room, she knocked gently three times then waited for a response. "Come in." An alluring husky feminine voice rang from behind the door. 

Sofia did just as she was told she opened the door softly, of course, and entered in the same manner. "My Lady, I have your wine as requested." Sofia was doing her best to not sound like a frightened fool, that would only press further on the lady's nerves. 

Sofia spoke to a rather tall lady sitting on a chair pulled up to a vanity. She was most likely checking for any flaws in her makeup, Sofia told herself, as she examined the woman from a distance like she has done many times before. The lady had a white dress that started from her neck and ended at her feet accompanied with that was a wide-brimmed black hat, which covered most of the lady's features underneath. "Finally, I have been waiting for ages." Her deep voice said in relief as she turned around and stood up.

The woman's features were breathtaking and alluring some might say, Sofia was not included in that list. Others would describe the lady's skin as white like the first snow in winter, Sofia would say it was an unnaturally sickly pale of the dead. They would go on to describe the lady's lips as red like the rose that started spring, Sofia would just see blood. The lady's eyes a honied gold that could make you melt on eye contact, Sofia saw a reason to fear, the lady's eyes could stare into a many's soul and figure them out in an instance. Sofia... she didn't want that. If the lady saw what she did as of recent she would surely let her daughters take her where she would never return. She had seen them do it many times before, she even had to often clean up their messes from it as well. "Well girl are you going to hand me the bottle or Not." The last word that fell from the lady's mouth was harsh and angry. Sofia knew now that the lady was beyond mad, and it was only a matter of time before she burst.

"Y-Y-Yes my lady." Sofia stuttered out as she looked up to the towering woman who was now in front of her.

She hated when she made eye contact with the lady, it only sent shivers down her spine with every look. But now she had to make eye contact with her to at least hand her the wine, then she might be free to go back to work and be as far from her as she can. The taller woman took the wine and sat back at her chair. The lady grabbed her favorite wine cup that matched the wine bottle. she opened it and poured a glass. "MMM-My lady am I free to go?? I really need to get my task finished before supper." Sofia was doing her best to remain calm while talking to such person that invoked fear into her, it was proving impossible. 

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