Chapter Five: Memories From Long Ago

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It was dark quiet and suffocating as voices were heard from the outside. "Meet your new baby boy My lord Kronos." A strong but soft voice was followed by a movement from whatever was outside this hellish dark then it was quiet, a quiet that warned of what had happened many times before.

That same strong voice screamed from the outside as the movements of digestion pursued. What was the most sickening to hear was the digestion of yet another sibling. One of the siblings caught the baby as he joined them in the only world they knew. The only world that he would come to know. "Did one of you hear what his name was?" They couldn't see each other in the slightest but they could tell the difference in voices.

"I believe Mother said his name was Hades." The voice came from the youngest of the girls Hera.

"The first boy hummm." The next voice was Demeter she was not as gentle as Hera's but she still carried a hint of honey in her tone.

"Quite interesting I thought the man would have at least the mind to keep his son. Wouldn't you agree you two?" The final voice was the eldest of the girls Hestia.

her voice was softer than the two but still had more of a wise honied tone. After all, she had been in the man's stomach the longest of all. "Yes, I agree with that statement. He was talking to himself about all the things he would do with his "Perfect son". So much for that." Demeter responded with hints of aggravation and disappointment.

"I can wholeheartedly agree with both of you. He even went as far as to say his "first child", like we didn't even exist in the first place." Hera let out one of her famous sighs as she finished her words.

"That sounds about right for such a man as him." Demeter folded her arms and closed her eyes.

The baby started to fuss so Hestia gently rocked him as they sat in a quiet that only left the words their father spoke to some person, muffled by the fleshy wall they called a prison. "Have you ever thought what the world looks like outside of here?" Demeter was the first to break the comfortable silence that the three had.

The question lingered between the three as they thought of a place they had never seen nor experienced. "I Know that it's full of light, beautiful light that scares the dark away, that showers the world in warmth and that lets things grow." Hera's words gave warmth to the two that had yet to answer the question.

Warmth they only knew from being alone with each other for so long. "Well from what I've heard it's full of life. Plants, Animals, Titans. That the world is something called green and other things like pink. The oceans or whatever nonsense they are are the color blue." Demeter thought of all the wonderful things that different titans would discuss with her father.

They all imagined walking and playing in the water, playing on the green earth as they finally got to meet other beings like them, including getting love from their mother. "I know that whatever is outside of this cage is something better something that the three of you deserve not matter what. Because no one should be kept in here." The oldest was always determined to get her younger siblings out somehow but she knew the tragic truth of it all. That where they were was a place that had no lock and no key.

HI THERE!!! sorry it took so long I was trying to find a way to write this bit and it took so long to find all the right words. Anyway i hoped you enjoyed it.😊💕


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