Chapter One: New Maid??

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It had been a few days since the hunter's incident and the castle was quite peaceful with the occasional scream that came from the dungeon, but it was all too familiar to be called an oddity. It was around 7 in the morning; the lady was waiting in her study awaiting for her dear daughters to wake up. Dear say she knew they were not morning people like she was. Unlike most mornings the lady would normally awake at 5. That was on a normal day. For some reason odd reason, the lady did not awake until 6 it was quite odd to say the least. "Maybe it's all the new tasks that Mother Miranda assigned me as of yesterday." The lady spoke to herself as she flipped through the new documents, all for her mother's experiments.

"My headache just might start early today." The lady let out a groggy sigh and slumped in her chair.

She really needed break all she ever did was work and work and work, with no end in sight. She needed to spend more time with her daughters and less in her study and or room. "Maybe some fresh air will do me some good." She rose and got herself dressed in her normal attire, her signature white dress that always fell to the tips of her feet. Next was her make-up, red for her lips, mascara, eye shadow, and eyes liner. The final piece was her large hat that fit neatly on her raven curls that she put into place the moment she awoke. The lady looked at herself in the mirror. Disgust. That's all she felt when she looked at herself. Others may have complimented her beauty time and time again but just because someone says it doesn't mean it's going to be true to the person receiving the compliment. One would have to show it through actions for Alcina Dimitrescu to get it through her stubborn mind.

She looked away from the mirror and stood from her chair, straighten her dress and then proceeded to the door. All the doors in Castle Dimitrescu were rather low for the someone of the lady's stature, some she couldn't even get through sadly, so when she left her room, she had to basically fold herself to get out of the room. As she walked down her hallway, she took note of some of the maids changing the art. Some were hers and others from famous artists from before her transformation. All the maids took note of her exiting her room giving her a formal curtsy then proceeding with their work. She exited her quarters in the same manner as her room, folding herself. When she walked out into her quart yard, she saw an abnormally tall woman dressed neatly in a back formal attire. 'Who on god's green earth is this.' was the lady's initial thought as she looked at them.

She was taller than her daughters. Most definitely not a maid that she hired. all features that could possibly identify her were hidden well besides the shape of her body that None of her maids owned the curves possessed by this woman. Truely if she ever saw her before the lady would have claimed her right away. The lady took into note that she was delicately trimming her rose bushes with the up most care, only taking the unhealthy buds so that the healthy ones could thrive without issue. She just watched the woman for a few minutes examining the way she moved as she pruned the bushes, forgetting that she was an intruder in her home. Only when the masked woman moved towards her did she snap out of her trance-like state. "Who are you? and why are you trespassing on my property?" Alcina was mad at first that this woman walked into her home uninvited but now she didn't care, she was rather intrigued, curious, as one might say.

The woman did not answer and simply just kept walking towards lady Dimitrescu. The absence of response made the lady slightly agitated but she still wanted to give the strange woman a chance. "I would advise you to speak if you want to keep you head girl." Lady Dimitrescu was trying her best to remain calm and collected she wanted to get to know this woman and maybe make her a new maid perhaps. The woman in black stopped in front of the lady holding in front of her a bouquet of red roses. "Are these for me??" The lady was taken aback that this woman, who was trespassing and now in a tight spot was handing her flowers.

The woman in black simply nodded. Lady Dimitrescu took the flowers and smiled a half-hearted smile as a thank you. The next move the woman made was to fetch something from the black satchel on her left side. When her hands emerged out of the satchel, she had a note pad and a old fashioned ink pen. The woman proceeded to write on the paper. When she finished writing she ripped of the paper and handed it to the lady.

My Lady Alcina Dimitrescu my name is Thena to answer your first question and as for your second question I came with the Duke who asked me to bring to your attention that he's here for the daily meeting that the both of you normally hold. I am deeply sorry that I have angered you, My Lady. I have a hard time speaking and I am currently working on it with the Duke.

The handwriting this strange woman owned was understandably neat and charming to the eyes. "Thank you for the flowers and apology, its dually noted Thena and for the meeting would you like to lead the way?" The lady knew the way but was looking to get to know the woman better even if she didn't talk.

Thena simply nodded and led the way through the dining room, to the main hall, from there down the stairs to the hall of four then a left into the room that the lady usually meets the Duke. "Ahhh Lady Dimitrescu good morning." The Dukes voice rang loud and jolly like normal.

"Duke." The lady looked at what he had to offer before they discussed what gossip was going about.

"I heard that you're in need of a new head maid?" The Duke started after the lady finished looking around and bought what she needed.

"Yes, I am. The last one was rather dreadful she tried to harm my daughters without being a single bit discreate about it." The lady gave an aggravated frown remembering what happened within the last few days.

"Well, I might have the person for you My Lady and she's very quiet since I know you get headaches with all the chattiness from prior head maids." The Duke stated while he looked over some of his documents from prior purchases.

"Hummm... You're intriguing me, Duke. Can I meet this girl and test her skills before I decide whether or not to equip her to my maid staff?" The lady did trust the Duke to some extent and most certainly more than most men that she has meet.

"She's right behind you if you'd like to test her now." The Duke looked up from his work and smiled at the woman in black that was standing behind her off in one of the corners of the room.

"Some of her skills were tested earlier when she came to fetch me for you... So, I'd like a few minutes with the girl to test any other skills she is required in order to fulfill the roll." The lady followed the Duke's gaze to the girl who was now playing with her fingers.

"Be my guest, it's up to her, anyway she does not belong to me she just helps me of her own free will and doesn't ask or take pay." The Duke looks back down at the documents that he was going over before he looked up to the woman.

Lady Dimitrescu gave a nod and looked at the masked woman. "Would you like to try for the position?" The lady looked down at the woman with a soft smile.

A simple nod of the woman's head was made in the response of the question. "Then please follow me." Lady Dimitrescu put up her left hand to guide the woman out of the room and to where she needed to go.

Thena complied immediately to the lady's request. "Good luck Thena dear." The Duke said before the doors shut.


Hello, everyone, it's me Daniela. The first chapter is finished, and I hope you all liked it. Hopefully there wasn't too many spelling errors and that it was nicely written to most people's standards. Anyways have a nice morning/afternoon/night.

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