Chapter Six: A Warm Smile

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The next few weeks went by in an uneventful blur. Alcina enjoyed the peace that was usually not granted to her, besides Cassandra's occasional outburst toward the newest addition of staff. Daniela and Bela seem to take a liking to the woman. Bela would occasionally keep her company, and Daniela flirted with her at every chance. Alcina wouldn't openly admit that she was jealous of her younger daughter. She couldn't understand how she could be so open with her feelings. Alcina sighed as she walked out of her wine room. She stopped as she caught a different noise, one that wasn't from her daughters and maids. It made her panic for a minute 'What... An intruder?' Was the first thought that crossed her mind before she listened again.

"Piano?" Her ears were met with the soft and delicate melody. 

It was graceful she noted and not a single mistake like it had been played by the very person who made it. "Hummmmm.... Moonlight Sonata......... How fitting." Alcina Smiled as she drifted towards her opera hall. 

She was right outside of the main door that led to the room with the piano. Her hand was on the handle but as she turned it everything went quiet and as she opened it no one was there. "How odd." Alcina checked everywhere in the room and no one was even in there nor had for a long time.

That's how it went for a couple of days, Alcina would be somewhere random in the castle and hear piano music. She'd got close and it stopped. Opened the door and no one was there. She was getting quite irritated at the fact that the woman who was touching her piano just vanished out of thin air, not a trace. 

Alcina decided one day that she was going to sit and wait for the woman in the opera hall since she had finished her work for the week early. So she waited with book in hand until she heard the music. She waited for a few hours, her book and the warmth of the room were making her sleepy. It was only then she heard the first note of the piano. She slowly got up from her chair placing down her book and leaned over the ramp to view the second floor. 'Thena?' It was her newest hire playing these lovely melodies.

Alcina walked down slowly so as not to upset or disturb the woman playing her elegant tune. She observed her from the pillar near the stairs (Shes like off to the side of her btw if you hadn't played the game or watched the walk-throughs) the first thing Alcina noticed was that Thena took off her gloves. Her skin was a lovely dark olive color, they looked soft, strong, and most of all sturdy. 'She's playing Gnossienne.' Alcina slowly made her way to sit next to Thena, who still didn't notice Alcina.

"Who taught you to play this good?" Alcina said in the gentlest tone she could.

Thena just sat there thinking about what to do. She left her notepad in her room, how was she going to communicate to the lady why she was caught playing her piano? after a good minute or two, she decided to answer. "My niece. This is one of the many things she excels at." She states in a calm and delicate tone, almost as if she is speaking quieter. 

Alcina just stared at the woman. She was shocked that she actually spoke to her. She did say she had a problem speaking. But actually hearing her voice felt like a blessing. It felt like she trusted her enough to get through a problem she had, and not only that she had an extraordinary voice. It was delicate, not too loud or quiet, and she had a wise tone to it; as if she had been on the earth far longer than the Lady of the castle. "Your niece sounds like something." Alcina gives the woman a genuine smile. 

The first one that she has shown to others besides her daughters for the first time in a long time. "She is... She's a true treasure." warmth and love were in her voice as she spoke about her niece.

Alcina could have sworn that under that mask was a warm smile. One that she wish she could see with her own eyes.

And hopefully one day she could.


Hi guys so sorry again for taking forever to write this chapter. I was struggling with what I should do to get the main and The Lady to get closer. I'll try my best to be more constant. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway thanks for sticken with me. if anything is wrong with this chapter or you want to tell me your opinion please leave a comment, i'll try my best to look at them quickly.


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