Chapter Eleven: Her Name

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Alcina practically demanded Thena to stay in her bed and rest, which Thena didn't like at all. She felt absolutely useless sitting there even though she was already healed and well. "I can tell that you're pouting." Alcina smirked while she was writing out some of the games she would play with her daughters that night.
"No. I'm just a bit bored since I have to sit here and do nothing even though I'm perfectly capable of doing my work." Thena was definitely pouting.
"Well you were out cold a few hours ago. So I want you to rest for now. Just so I know myself that you will be fine." Alcina said seriously.
Thena shut up then and just sat there watching Alcina. "So... What are you writing up?"
"I promised the girls a game night. So I'm planing games for it." Alcina said finishing and looking back at Thena.
"I'm sure they're happy about that aren't they? I know I surely would." Thena smiled to herself but Alcina couldn't see that because of the mask.
"They are and they deserve this. They deserve more time with their mother." She was happy to spend time with her daughters they meant more than the world to her, yet she never seemed to get to spend anytime with them.
"Can I make a game suggestion? If you don't mind of course." Thena didn't want to intrude on the family's family time.
"Yes you may. I need all the help I can get my own suggestions might be outdated." She mused to herself.
'Then what does that make me.' Thena thought as she thought of a game that would be universally popular for all ages and isn't to outdated.
"Hummm... Well I'm sure they'd like hide-n-seek but maybe add a few rules or trophies to make it a challenge for them." Thena suggested with a hint of a smile in her voice.
"That's a lovely idea darling." Alcina stood up and walked to the door but before exiting she turned around to look at Thena.
"You are to stay here and rest. That's an order." Her tone was serious and so was the look on her eyes.
'But I'm already healed.' Is what she wanted to argue but that would cause questions to arise and that would do her no good.
"Yes My Lady I understand." Thena responded making herself comfortable and acquainted with the bed.
"Good." Alcina smiled and left shutting the door behind her and leaving a silence.
"I quite say I like your wife."
"I know right she so caring and lo- WAIT!" Thena looked over to see her niece who appeared out of gods knows where like always.
"She is not my wife Athena. well not yet." She whispered the last part.
"Yeah yeah. You know you need to be more careful you almost got caught by the big lady and her little bug." Athena said sitting next to the bed.
"If I hadn't of swooped in you'd be in big trrrrooouuble. And also stop using my name. It's really annoying to hear all the time especially when they say it wrong and use "Athena", all I hear is 'Athena do this' and 'Athena do that' its driving me absolutely insane." She said her as her right eye began to twitch.
"That's exactly why I did it." Thena giggled.
"You are diabolical. Your older than me for gods sake aunt Hestia. Act like it." Athena crossed her arms, legs and pouted like a child who had their baklava eaten by their sibling.
"Where's the fun in that?" Hestia chuckled.
"And anyway I'd rather act like a child and see you like this." She moved her hands up and down motioning at Athena's behaviour.
"This is when you act like your true self and don't put up a front and that's what makes me acting like a child worth it." Hestia said proudly.
"Meh meh meh. I get it. You've said it before." Athena moved herself on to the bed deciding to cuddle with her aunt.
"I've really missed you. You make being with the rest of those asses worth it." Athena said wrapping her arms around Hestia waist resting her head on her stomach.
" I know and I'm sorry." Hestia ran her hands through Athena's dark mahogany locks.
They sat like that for some time Hestia running her hands through Athena's hair as Athena laid on top of her. This caused her to eventually fall asleep on top of her like a child would on their mother.

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