Chapter Ten: Where's the Goddamn Jar

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'Well shit.' Thena sighed to herself as she thought back to before she passed out.
She remembered the jar being right beside her when she passed out. If it was gone and he was out, she was sure that her he would have took her to his father by now. So where is that Goddamned thing!? "Are you positive My Lady that you didn't see a jar?" Thena really need to know whether she need to prepare for a battle or not.
"No. No jar. It was just you in the middle of the hallway with liquid gold all over a hole in your shirt." Alcina raised a brow becoming quite curious about what Thena was going on about.
'Oh I'm so screwed if he got out.' Thena thought.
"Maybe I was imagining things." Playing off like she was seeing things.
"Well Donna and I must get going we'll let you love birds be." The small doll that had seemingly been forgotten pipped in while dragging the much taller Donna away.
"I'll have one of the girls escort you out." Alcina gave Donna a quick smile and turned to Thena as soon as the door closed.
"So... care to explain what happened... No actually you will tell me what happened." Alcina brought a chair to sit beside the bed.
"Well one of the kitchen maids ummm... it was something with a M... Well she attacked me and ran way besides that I don't remember much else. Well I guess I dreamt of a jar for a weird reason." Thena placed her right hand under her left breast.
'It seems that it's been healed.'
"You're quite muscular without your shirt on. I assumed much just by seeing you with it on." Alcina finally gave in and let her eyes wander the muscles of the slight smaller woman.
"Thank you I hope you enjoy the view." Thena chuckled.
"Well I am... I'm also glad you're okay." Her face softened just the slightest, anybody else wouldn't have noticed but Thena was studying her close enough to see the change.
"Thank you My Lady, for worrying about me." Although she couldn't see Thena's smile she could tell some way that she was indeed smiling.
All three of the girls rushed in coming to Thena's side looking as if they were about to kill her.
"You had us completely worried you know that!" Daniela yelled as she got onto the bed and cuddled her.
Which in this sense if she were normal would be crushing her. She didn't even get a word in before Bela yelled next. "You are not to walk these halls alone again." She crossed her arms seeming absolutely pissed but beyond that Thena could see relief.
Again she was going to speak up but another sister pipped in. That being Cassandra. "You're not allowed to die. Next time you think about it I'll drag your ass out of hell." She gritted her teeth and pointed her finger at her.
"Cassandra language." Alcina warned.
"Well hello to you all too." Thena said happily as she rubbed Daniela's back.
"So you're finally going to talk to us." Cassandra commented.
"Yes sorry it took so long." Thena was happy that the girls liked her.
Even Cassandra who seemed to dislike her quite admittedly at first but now seems to tolerate her a lot more. " So can one of you girls lend me a shirt? My own is rather stained and cut. Please?" Thena didn't want to go around shirtless and besides it rude to do so.
"Oh~ I just noticed that you don't have a shirt on." Daniela's said running her hands down Thena's abs, admiring her muscles and skin tone.
Thena didn't seem to mind but Alcina did. She actually seemed to be jealous.
"Yeah I'll get you one." Cassandra was surprisingly the first to offer.
"Thank you My Lady." She bowed her head.
Alcina cleared her throat getting everyone's attention besides Daniela's.
"Daniela. Pay attention to your Mother." Thena whispered to the girl which brought her out of her hyper fixation on Thena's muscles.
"Now that I have your attention girls why don't you go patrol the Castle." Daniela pouted and Bela nodded.
Daniela reluctantly pulled herself away from Thena and left the room with Bela.
"Mother I brought back a shirt it should fit her.* Cassandra walked in looking behind herself at her departing sister.
"Am I to join them?" Cassandra inquired while she handed the new shirt to Thena.
Alcina nodded and kissed her daughter on the cheek as she left.
It was silent for the first few seconds as Thena was struggling some to put on her shirt. Her chest wasn't as horrid as before but it still was sore enough to cause a struggle. "Here let me help you draga mea." Alcina took the shirt from Thena, kneeling down, and slipping it over her head and shoulders with ease.
This all surprised Thena not because she was helping her dress seeing Alcina up close and kneeling for her made her actually happy she was stabbed (not really).
"You just get more and more alluring up close My Lady." Thena whispered to herself out loud which caught the lady's attention.
'Wait... What did I just say? Shit. Crap she's gonna think Ik some looney who falls in love after literally not even over a month.' She cursed herself.
"Well you're lovely yourself and I haven't even seen what you look like under that mask." Alcina whispered back into her ear as she finished pulling the shirt down.
A shiver went up Thenas spine as she turned pink under the mask.
"Thank you My Lady."
'Well I'm absolutely delightfully fucked.' Thena internally sighed as she knew the pain that was about to come from loving someone.

A/N: okay so for this chapter I put in a song because I thought it fit Thena perfectly. Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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