Chapter Four: Ours Now

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They arrived at Daniela's room and yes it was spotless, shining, neat. For once.

"You weren't lying Dani it really is spotless." Cassandra's jaw dropped to the pits of hell.

"Yeah, she's really good at her job Mom... Can we keep her forever??" Daniela looked at her Mother with puppy dog eyes.

"Surely she sighed up for the job so the answer would naturally be yes." Alcina smiled at her daughter.

"Dani where is she at now?" Cassandra asked.

"Cleaning Bela's room I think." Daniela shrugs and walks into her bathroom. 

"DAMN THIS BATHROOM LOOKS LIKE IT'S BRAND NEW!!" Daniela yelled from the bathroom causing her Mother to smile Cassandra just rolled her eyes.

"Bela??" Alcina said once she and Cassandra entered her room.

"Yes, Mother??" Bela peeks out from her bathroom with her hair in pigtail braids.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR BELA!!" Cassandra began wheezing.

"Oh, be quiet Cassandra." Bela stared daggers in her direction.

  "Don't start." Alcina warned.

"Now first things first where is Thena?? Second who did your hair??" Alcina asked.

"Thena's right here Mother, she's also the person who did my hair." Bela pointed to her side where Thena popped her head out from the inside of the bathroom.

"Did she finish cleaning your room Bela?" Alcina's eyes remain on Thena.

"Yes, Mother she did a better job than the regular maids that you have attend to our rooms." Bela

Alcina examined the room. She did do a good job, in fact, a spectacular job and Bela's room has always been relatively clean. "Damn Bela her work makes you look like a slob."  Daniela smirked and Cassandra was trying to hold her laugh.

"And what would that make you Dani huh?? A pig in a pig sty?? hmmm??" Bela questioned knowing what the answer would be.

Cassandra let out a snorting laugh and Daniela began to coil so she could pounce on her sister. Daniela was blushing to the point that she was beating tomatoes on the red scale.

"Don't even try Daniela or else." Alcina warned putting her hand up to block her from tearing into her sister.

"But MOtHeR she..." Daniela was again cut off by her mother's hand.

" I don't want to hear it Daniela." she stated firmly.

"Yes, mother." She grumbled.

"Mother on another note I think we should keep this one for a good long time." Bela said playing with her braided hair.

"You think so?" Alcina smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Bela fidgeted with her fingers.

"I think so as well Mother." Daniela added

"Whatever I guess she's useful enough for now at least." Cassandra shrugs.

"I guess she ours now." Alcina smiled at her daughters.

They somehow completely forgot that Thena was still in that room with them listening. But she didn't mind being claimed by the family. she after all had no family of her own and the family she had she lost, so it felt nice to be theirs.

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