Chapter Nine: I am a Goddess

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The veiled woman was waiting for an answer as the two just looked at each other. Thena didn't want to risk harming this woman whom Alcina most likely loved and she didn't want to harm Alcina or the girls. The veiled woman sighed. "I told Alcina that the gold coming from your chest was poison so no need to worry about her knowing." She spoke softly yet with a reassuring undertone.

"Thank you." Thena said quietly.

She didn't know who this woman was but she already helped her so much while protecting herself and the Dimitrescus. "Will you now explain to me why you bleed gold? Or whatever it is." She held up a rag that was filled with gold liquid.

"Have you ever heard of Ichor?" Thena asked as she sat herself up more wincing slightly.

She shook her head. "Well, do you at least know the Greek Gods and Goddesses?"

"Yes, I do know a few of them. What are you getting at?" She questioned skeptically.

"They bleed something called Ichor which is a gold color. Do you get what I am saying?" She paused for her to respond.

"Yes, I believe I do. You're saying that you are a Goddess. Are you not?" She said crossing her legs and arms.

Thena nodded. "Before you ask which one, know that I will not tell you and nothing will change my mind." Thena stated sternly.

"Will you at least tell me why that is?"

"Let's just say that certain gods don't quite like me right now and telling you my name and allowing you or Alcina and the girls would put you in harm's way. Not even Alcina knows that I'm a goddess and you knowing is a risk enough." Thena said finding her shirt to be useless as it was still covered in blood and had a decent sized hole.

'Great now I don't have a fucking shirt to wear around anymore.' Thena let out a tired sigh as she hesitantly accepted the fact that she had to show off some skin.

"Well, do you at least have a temporary name that you go by?" She asked seeing Thena realize she would have to go shirtless. It slightly amused her.

"Yes call me Thena. Before you assume I am not Athena, I am just using some of her name because I found it funny... And you are?" Thena was smiling under the mask knowing that Athena was for sure annoyed by now.

"My name is Donna Benievento. Younger sister to Alcina." Donna held out her hand to Thena.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Benievento." Thena said taking Donna's hand lightly and shaking it.

"Donna is fine." Donna said as she also wrapped her fingers around Thena's hands lightly.

"Donna it is." Thena smiled to herself under the mask.

She had hopefully just made a new friend.

"Alcina should be heading in shortly." Donna let go of Thena's hand and backed away from her.

As expected Alcina entered the room her face remaining neutral until she laid eyes on Thena. Alcina eyes wandered Thena's now bare torso, seeing that she didn't have her normal black button-up and instead supported a bandage wrap around her chest. The first thing that caught Alcina's eyes was how muscular she was, she had the form of well a goddess (pun is intended). Alcina had to catch herself and stop the staring. She was a noblewoman for goodness sakes staring wasn't a thing she did, and besides it's extremely rude.

"I can see that you're well." Alcina said to Thena and then turned to her sister.
"So was the poison potent to the point where we need to take action?"Alcina if you didn't know her was a hard person to read and most would even say she was heartless.
Those who knew her although knew that she truly wore her heart on her sleeve you just needed to know how to read her. Right now she was asking her sister whether or not she needed to worry for everyone in the castle and the one introduced to the new "poison". "No Alcina it wasn't even the main cause of Thena's  fainting. She was stabbed. And from what I assume to be someone she might have known right?" Donna tilled her head at Thena.
'Thank you Donna.' Thena said in her head.
"Yes one of the kitchen maids stabbed me I don't know what happened after that." Thena wasn't lying all the way but she needed to protect all of them.
"What did you do with the jar that was next to me might I ask?" She suddenly remembered the jar.
The one she put her nephews body parts into. "What jar?"

A/N: Hi guys sorry for not writing in a long time I have been quite busy with colleges classes and the such. But now I have hopefully a bit more free time to write more. Anyway thank you for reading enjoy this very delayed update!! ❤️

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