Chapter Eight: What's in Jar?

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AN: Okay real quick just a small warning there are some graphic scenes in this chapter. So, you have been warned. Enjoy 💕

Alcina was in her study frustrated yet a document way from completing Mother Miranda's tasks for the time being, meaning she could now spend as much time with the girls as she wanted.

"Bela, Cassandra, Daniela come here please." Alcina yelled in a quieter tone so the girls would know they weren't in trouble.

Alcina could hear faint buzzing moving closer to her door it eventually stopped as she heard a knock. "Come in Butterflies." Alcina said with a motherly smile as she sat at her table reading glasses still sitting on the bridge of her nose elegantly.

The doors opened and the girls walked in and to their mother. "Yes, Mom?" Daniela was the first to speak as she took a seat on the ground next to her Mother's desk. 

"I just wanted to ask you girls if you wanted to have a game night tonight since I finished all of my work." Alcina smiled at Daniela.

"A GAME NIGHT?" Daniela questioned, her voice slightly raised in a pleasing tone.

The other girls also shared Daniela's enthusiastic look. Having a game night was like a once-a-decade thing if that, because Mother Miranda normally never gave Alcina a break for anything.

"Yes, a game night... We hadn't had one in half a decade and I thought you girls would love the idea. Are you apposed?" Alcina stroked Daniela's cheek gently as she looked at her other daughters with a motherly smile.

"That sounds like a lovely idea Mother I'm sure that Cassandra shares my enthusiasm." Bela smiled happily at her mother and Cassandra nodded eagerly.

"For now how about we-" Alcina didn't get to finish her sentence before a familiar smell cut her off.



'The floors a bloody disaster. Literally and figuratively how am I going to clean this mess?' Thena thought to herself as she looked at the red and gold mixing into a beautiful sunset orange hue. 

"If only it weren't blood." Thena sighed and started cleaning up despite still having a knife in her chest and a massive cut on her leg. 

luckily the leg gash was already healing perfectly fine. 'Hummmm what should I do with the jar??' Thena looked over at a jar she left in the middle of the hallway. I most definitely looked suspicious with the random gold splotches and would be opened by either the staff or one of the ladies and Thena wouldn't be very pleased if that happened. 

Thena didn't get a chance to decide on an action before her head began to spin out of control, black dots scattered her vision, and she was starting to take in less and less air as her legs gave in. "Danm I should have taken out the knife sooner." She struggled to stand and breathe. 

Thena knew that she lost too much blood and was too weak to pull out the blade. She needed to get herself and the jar out of there before the Ladies finally smelled the blood. She put one leg up in a slow manner as her hand moved to the top of her thigh so she could push herself up. slowly she began to rise to both legs. She was gasping for air as she did so. 'Never again am I stopping for some random maid In this castle.' She made the mental note before taking a step towards the jar.

Unfortunately for her, her body failed her, and she fell backward luckily not on the knife. 'No I need to get up they could be here at any minute.' Thena tried to push herself up but the lack of blood in her body now made it rather impossible.

She was weak and losing her vision and consciousness fast. 'Why did I have to get stabbed today of all days? Why did A-.' Then she saw black.


Her hands were all over me. Exploring me at every inch I had and I was exploring her just as much. her perfect ebony curls and full lips that always knew just where to touch take my breath away. Her lips trailed down my body in a slow but hungry manner. She was planning to make me beg. "Αγάπη." My breaths were becoming more of a breathy moan as she was putting her attention to my breasts, teasing me.

She looked up at me with her memorizing liquid gold eye, staring at me lustfully. "Yes, Dragostea mea?" Her voice was lower than it normally would be, her face decorated with a smirk that sprouted from her lips.

She knew what I wanted. "Tell me what is it you want-"


Thena woke up gasping for air and her heart rate skyrocketing. 'What in Tartarus was that.' She was too in the moment of calming herself and thinking of the dream that she just had to notice the presence in the room with her. "Hey, the tree is up." A high-pitched child-like voice rang in the room causing Thena to nearly jump off the bed.

Her heart was very close to giving up on her at that moment. She took a quick look around the room and spotted an old porcelain doll in a worn-down wedding dress sitting on the lap of a woman in a black mourning dress and a veil that covered her face. "Should we go tell Big Dimi? that her little girlfriend is alive?" The doll seemed to have a smile somehow even though she could only move her porcelain mouth up and down.

'Okay, that's not something you see every day.' Thena took note of the doll being alive and better yet talking.

The veiled woman bent her neck slightly and said something to the doll. The doll nodded and hopped off the woman's lap and toddled out the door. Thena and the woman were left in silence neither wanting to speak first. Thena took this time to examine where she was now that she was more collected. 'Did the lady bring me to her room?' Thena looked at the bed sheets she changed earlier. She was now nestled comfortably under them. 

She also took note that she felt lighter somehow. 'Hummm why do I feel more free in my movements?' She slowly sat up taking notice of the pain that she still had in her left side.

The sheet fell from her shoulders and left her practically bare beside the wrap around her chest that was to keep her from bleeding. 'My shirt!!!!' She was blushing bright red under her mask which luckily they kept on.

'Someone clearly undressed me but who was it?' She was so lost in thought that any movement was not caught in her line of sight. 

"Who are you really?" A lower Feminine voice echoed from beside her.

She looked up to see the veiled woman next to the bed waiting for her to speak.

'This Is going to be fun.'

A/N: HI GUYS!!!!! 

Sorry, it took so long to update but I had finals for my college classes as well as Wrestling tournaments that came up so I had to put most of my focus into those. But I have a few weeks until I start my next set of classes and hopefully, I can get in at least another update or two. 

Anyway, tell me how you like this chapter, and if you like to ask me questions feel free to do so.

OH!  And I decided to start a new story because I am just like that. I'll most likely have the first chapter out on 12/20 (Tomorrow) so if you want give it a quick read.

Love y'all!!!!💕💕


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