Chapter Two: French Toast

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The Lady and Thena Entered the kitchen, which at this time of the day was occupied by the kitchen staff preparing for breakfast. All the maids were startled to see the Lady in such a place. She could smell the fear, anxiety and hatred that radiated off them. "G-G-ood morning my lady." one of the maids that were closest to them started.

"Yes, yes. You all dismissed from Your jobs this morning so return to your rooms or help the house maids with their job, and of course you are not excused from this afternoon. So be on time." She swatted at them to leave.

All of them hesitated for a second before finally exiting the room, leaving the Lady and Thena. "Your first test is to make me and my daughters' breakfast. Have it done by the time my daughters wake up. What we eat is in the storage room." The Lady leaves the kitchen with little instructions.

Two hours later the girls enter the walked into the kitchen yawing. "Good morning, Ladybugs. How did you sleep?" Alcina asked her girls as they entered the dining room.

"Good morning, Mom, I slept fine probably needed more sleep though." Daniela said through a yawn.

"Morning. I feel the same as Daniela." Cassandra spoke right after her younger sister.

"Good morning, Mother. I slept well but should have gone to sleep earlier. How did you sleep?" Bela was last to answer her Mothers questions.

"I surprisingly woke up late this morning." Alcina smiled as she knew it would shock her daughters. 

"REALLY???" Daniela yelled running up to her mother.

Alcina nodded and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. Her other daughters gathered around their Mother as well waiting for a kiss which they all received. A knock came from the door that leads to the kitchen. "Come In." Alcina straightened out her dress. 

Thena Came in with a cart that had eight plates for the fours breakfast. The plates all had dome-shaped covers over them so they could not see what was underneath until they pulled off the lid. Thena set the plates all down where each of the Ladies were sitting. All of them were essentially the same except Lady Dimitrescu. She had a note on one of hers. After Thena set the plates in their places she exited the same room that she came from. "Mom. who in the bloody hell was that??" Daniela questioned while Cassandra and Bela just staired at their Mother.

"Daniela Language please." She responded to her daughter's question by not answering. Instead, she picked up the note that was present on her plate.

My Lady Dimitrescu I hope you and your daughters enjoy what I have made for you. You may have had this dish before, but I don't think you daughters have so I hope to make this their new favorite.


"So, it seems girls that this meal was made specifically for us to enjoy so please lets all open it together." Alcina smiles and sets down the note.

"What do you mean by that??" Cassandra quirks an eyebrow.

"Open it on three. One, Two... Three." Alcina counts down and they all open their covers to see Red Bread that with a crisp texture look, covered in a thick red liquid. powdered sugar covered over top of that. Fruits decorated the sides; strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and bananas. The second plate that the four had before them was full of proteins for the day; (it looked like) sausage, bacon and eggs. 

"WOW Mom did you hire a new cook or something??" Daniela yells as she begins to cut her food.

"This is French toast... I haven't had this in ages." Alcina felt tears threaten to fall down her eyes as she began to put the food in her mouth.

It melted on her tongue. She never felt the warmth that she felt as she ate her food those tears still threating to spill from her eyes. She asked her maids after her transformation if they could make sweet things with her dietary restrictions, but they all said they never could.


 "How was the meal Ladybugs??" Alcina said as she finished her meal cleaning her mouth when she was done.

"AMAZING!!!" Daniela yells licking her plate.

"It was delicious." Bela cleaned her face like her Mother.

"Yes it was delicious." Cassandra leans back in her seat.

"So, would you three say its your new favorite meal then??" Alcina gives the three of them the side eye along with a loving smile.

Her daughters agree with eager head nod. Even with some of them cleaning their faces they were still quite dirty. 'Adorable.' Alcina thought to herself.

People looking in would see her and her daughters as monsters that did not have a need for love. They were very wrong. Alcina loved her daughters, even if she didn't show them it that often. She was never great at expressing her feelings with words, so she often was left to do it with actions. 

"Well come one girls lets go meet the chef shall we??" Alcina stands and opens the door for her girls.

They kindly walk through the door their Mother held open for them and proceeded to the kitchen. The kitchen was spotless even more so than before. In the middle was Thena on knees and hands hand washing the floors. She was facing away from the group giving them only the image of her behind. Alcina's face for some weird reason was growing warm at this sight, she had to turn away. "AHHEM." Alcina cleared her throat to announce her being there. 

The woman stopped and turned just her head around to acknowledge the noise. "It seems you're enjoying your job a bit too much." Alcina said still not facing the woman.

Thena got up and grabbed her satchel to get out her note pad and ink pen. She took a few seconds.

Yes, I am there is a lot to be done here and it is great fun to be able to do something I normally can't.

"Well, your very good at it. Better than the kitchen staff and cleaning this place is one of their jobs after all." Alcina responded after finishing reading the note again admiring the womans handwriting.

"You gonna introduce us or what??" Cassandra bluntly states crossing her arms.

"It's "going to" Cassandra and yes I was just about to do that... Girls this is the new head maid Thena." She graciously holds out one arm to present the woman.

Thena quickly writes something down on the pad and then holds the note up to The Lady.

Wait I thought I was on a trial period or something??

Alcina could sense the confused hints in the small not that the woman wrote to her. She had to hold back a giggle. "Yes, but after all you hard work just for this morning I decided that I would like to hire you if you'll except??" Alcina raised a eyebrow to her question that she threw at the woman in black. 'She did more work then any of the maids have ever done. Even if they cleaned this kitchen well enough for them to work in it was never spotless like this. Never.' 

Thena handed The Lady one of her papers from her note pad that read.

I would love that my lady.

Alcina let a smile escape her face "Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu Thena. I hope that we can keep you for a long time."

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