Chapter Three: The Lady's Daughters

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The Lady showed Thena what she was supposed to do for the day and then proceeded to head to her study and begin the work that Mother Miranda distributed to her. Thena started with Meeting the other maids, who seemed to not like her, but Thena didn't really care, as long as it didn't interfere with her work or theirs Thena didn't really care to gain their approval. She Started working on cleaning the houses halls and bedrooms. She finished the halls rather quickly and noy leaving a spot of muck. Thena took pride in her work and proceeded to move on to cleaning the bedrooms. before she entered the first bedroom buzzing was heard from behind her.


Thena was suddenly against the wall with a unearthly strength to hold her there. Cassandra Infront of her holding her in place. "You made our meal this morning, didn't you??" She sounded threating for a weird reason. 'Why is she mad at me already?' Thena's thoughts were flooding her head spaces and leaving her silent and not able to respond to the now yelling Cassandra. 

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Cassandra yelled and put her scythe to Thena's throat casing her to finally snap out of it.

She put her finger up to indicate for Cassandra to give her a minute. Strangely enough Cassandra did as Thena grabbed her pad and pen.

Yes, that was me. I do apologize for not responding to you fast enough I was thinking of something, and it caught my attention.

Cassandra took the paper and scoffed. "Focus more or next time I'll take your head and use your body parts to decorate my room." She let Thena go and she nodded.

"The room your about to clean is mine. Don't destroy anything or its your life." Thena nodded again and this time Cassandra just staired at her.

"Say yes." Cassandra demanded in a nonchalant tone maintaining what she believed to be eye contact. 

Thena began to write something, but Cassandra slapped it from her hand. "I SAID SPEAK." She yelled into the peaceful quiet again breaking it holding the scythe back to its position at her throat.

They stood there until the buzzing of insects could be heard down the hallway. Bela was first to appear. Daniela followed. "What's wrong Cass?" Daniela questioned but looked at Thena instead of Cassandra.

"She won't speak." Cassandra gritted her teeth.

"Maybe Shes a mute." Bela shrugged.

"Why would Mother want a mute?" Cassandra looked at her sister face unemotional.

"As long as they are capable of work, I don't think Mother will care." Bela says while also looking at Thena.

"So question is... Are you mute Miss New Head Maid??" Daniela closes her eyes and smiles.

they were all looking at her now waiting for a answer.

Thena valued being truthful, but she also had a hard time taking to new people. she was at a crossroad and had to choose between being truthful and being comfortable. She shook her head no. "THEN SPEAK OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE ON MY WALL." Cassandra's scythe dug into the material of Thena's clothing.

"Yes." Thena whispered in a faint voice that probably could not be heard by normal human ears.

"Good. Now go clean my room." Cassandra smirks and drops her scythe from Thena's neck.

Thena opened the door and proceeded to clean.


"Mother can we kill the new head maid she's annoying already." Cassandra sighs slouching on the couch.

"No, she's the perfect head maid." She looked up from her book to look at her daughter.

"She refuses to speak why is she perfect if she can't even do that much." Cassandra motions with her hands as she speaks.

"She can't speak because she has a speaking problem, Cassandra." She glares at her daughter.

"She spoke to me it was rather quiet, but she still did so. So maybe Mother she doesn't have any speaking problems." Cassandra just stairs back at her Mother.

 "Did you force her to talk??" Alcina raises her eyebrow.

At that Cassandra looks away. "So, you did force her to speak." Alcina was mad she had no clue why. She was just mad. And a bit jealous. She was having a hard time not showing it. 

"Cassandra, I know that normally I let you girls get away with doing whatever you want with the maids but this time you don't get to." Alcina said calmly. 

"But Mo-" Cassandra was cut off when Daniela barged into the room.

"Mom... Holy shit Cass did you get into trouble???" Daniela stopped what she was going to say to her Mother to look at her sister and burst out laughing.

"Daniela language." Alcina glared at her youngest.

"Sorry." she stopped and looked at her Mother.

"Now as you were saying." Alcina walked over to her chair and grabbed her wine glass.

"The new head maid you hired is excellent at her job... My room was totaled, and she made it live able again." Daniela wasn't the cleanest and she normally had the maids clean it every day. When Alcina found out she had the maids stop and do it once a month so she can learn to be neater like her older two sisters.

"Really?? Normally even the maids can't clean that aftermath." Cassandra snickered and grinned. 

"I'm not that messy Cassandra." Daniela crosses her arms. 

"Yes you ar--." 

"No... The both of you stop now I don't want to hear it." Alcina put her hand up and began to walk to the door.

"Show me Daniela." Alcina waited for her youngest to take the led.

Daniela nodded and opened the door quietly. Alcina followed then Cassendra.

Hope you liked it - Daniela 💕

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