Magic Knight Entrance Exam

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After A Successful Breakthrough In My Alternative Of Mana, i.e., Cursed Energy

I headed towards the Church to begin my new journey. After a few minutes of walking, I reached the Church.

"Oi, Asta and Yuno, are you not done packing?" I called out loudly.

"Just a minute, Zon!" Asta's voice boomed from inside.

"Yuno, what about you?" I asked in the same spirited manner.

Yuno emerged from the Church with his bag ready.

After a few minutes of waiting, Asta finally appeared.

"Ooh! Here I am!" Asta announced enthusiastically.

"Took you long enough," both Yuno and I chimed in at the same time.

"Hehe," Asta replied with a nervous laugh.

"Let's go," I said.

"Hmm," Asta nodded.

In a few moments, everyone in the Church gathered.

"I will miss you all, Zon, Yuno, and Asta," Father Orsi said with tears in his eyes.

"You don't need to be so emotional, Father Orsi," I reassured him.

"Sister Lily, I have to ask you something," Asta said in a serious tone.

"What, Asta?" Sister Lily inquired.

"Please marry me," Asta said, kneeling and holding a flower.

"I'm really sorry, Asta. I am everyone's sister, after all," Sister Lily gently declined.

"Sister Lily, I will never give up. Once I become a Magic King, I will come again for your hand in marriage," Asta declared with determination.

"Haha," everyone in the Church burst into laughter.

After some more exchanges, we left for the Magic Knight Entrance Exam.

"Bye, everyone," we said our farewells.

"Goodbye, Asta, Yuno, and Zon," everyone replied as we departed.

After a few days of traveling, we arrived at the Royal Capital.

"Wow! It's so huge," Asta exclaimed in awe.

"Hmm," I nodded.

"Let's not waste any time and head straight to the Magic Knight Entrance Exam," I urged Asta and Yuno.

"You're right, Zon. Let's go," Asta agreed with determination.

We headed straight to the counter that checked our Grimoires.

After some time, the counter guy was astounded by Yuno's Four Leaf Grimoire.

"What! Four Leaf Grimoire!" he exclaimed and allowed Yuno to proceed.

"Next," he said, rather uninterested, when faced with Asta's Grimoire.

"Oi, see, it IS a Grimoire!" Asta pointed out the spells inside it.

"Hmm, okay," the counter guy responded with indifference.

I moved forward and presented my Grimoire.


I quickly silenced the counter guy, and he nervously granted me passage.

Asta, Yuno, and I arrived at the exam site, alongside numerous other candidates and the Anti-Magic Birds. Yuno didn't have any birds around him, but Asta was swarmed by them.

"Hey, see those two guys! They don't have any of these stupid birds," someone pointed at me and Yuno.

"Oi, look! That guy, on the other hand, has a flock of them," another person remarked, indicating Asta.

Asta's encounter with the birds was comical as he ran around and bumped into Yami.

The captains and their vice-captains arrived, and the exams commenced.

"Attention, examinees!" Captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vengeance, announced.

Magic Tree Descend!

A massive tree descended, providing everyone with a broom.

"Now we will begin the series of tests that will determine whether you will become a Magic Knight or not. At the end of all exams, if you have one captain who wants to recruit you, you cannot choose for others. If you have more than one captain who wants to recruit, then you can choose between the ones who want to recruit you," he explained.

"Now, begin! Your first test is flying a broom!" he declared.

Everyone attempted to ride their brooms. Yuno was among the first to succeed.

I applied a substantial amount of Cursed Energy to my broom, connected it to my arm, and took off smoothly. The other exams passed similarly.

Asta struggled in most, while Yuno excelled. It was now time for a hand-to-hand combat between the examinees.

Both Asta and Yuno wanted to fight me, and I accepted, causing quite an uproar.

"Oi, see! That guy is fighting against two people, with one of them chosen by the Four Leaf!" someone marveled.

"Are you serious?" others were astonished.

The captains seemed puzzled. After some deliberation, the referee reached a conclusion.

"Now, begin the match!" he declared loudly.

To be continued...

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