Wizard King

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"Hmm," everyone says as we sit together and eat our breakfast.

(After some time)

"Have you all finished eating?" I ask everyone.

"Yes," everyone replies.

"Then let's go and report our mission," I suggest.

"But wait, where is the headquarters?" I suddenly realize that I don't know the location.

"You don't know?" Yuno says with a straight face.

"Hehe, no," I laugh a little.

"Well, I know," Klaus says, adjusting his glasses.

"Oh! Then lead the way, Klaus," I say to him.

"Hmm, follow me," he says.

After some time of walking...

"Hey, Asta!" I call out as I spot him with Noelle.

"Oh! Zon, Yuno, Mimosa, and Four-eyes," Asta turns around to see us.

"Who are you calling 'Four-eyes'!?" Klaus says in anger.

"You," Asta says, pointing to Klaus.

"You!" Klaus retorts, bursting with anger.

"Now, now, calm down, Klaus-san," Mimosa says, trying to calm him.

"He is only joking," she says with a smile.

"Are you two also going to report the mission?" I ask them.

"Hmm, what about you?" Asta asks.

"We are also heading there. We should go together, shouldn't we?" I suggest.

"Well, okay," Asta and Noelle agree as we start walking together.

"I think this is the place," Klaus says, pointing toward a large, imposing building made of white stone with several towers and spires adorned with the Clover Kingdom symbol.

"Are you really sure, Four-eyes?" Asta says to him.

"Of course, the No-Magic Marvel," Klaus says, making fun of Asta for not using magic.

"What do you say, Four-eyes?" Asta retaliates.

"The N-o M-a-g-i-c M-a-r-v-e-l," Klaus says, repeating every letter, and they start arguing.

Suddenly, we see someone in front of us. He has long white hair and is wearing a white wizard robe with a gold trim.

Klaus stops arguing and kneels. Noelle, Mimosa, and I follow suit, but Asta and Yuno stand there confused.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" the man says as soon as Klaus kneels.

"Who is this flashy old man?" Asta says ignorantly.

"You fool! He is the current Wizard King, Julius Novachrono!" Klaus says out loud.

"Wizard King!" both Yuno and Asta say in awe and they kneel.

"You can stand now," he says to us.

"You are Asta, Yuno, Zon, Klaus, Noelle, and Mimosa. Am I right?" he asks us.

"Yes, Wizard King," Klaus says.

"I am here for your report on the mission," he says to us.

"Yes. We will gladly give you details of our mission, but before that, please take this," Klaus says as he takes out a pouch from his pocket.

"This is the dungeon treasure," Klaus says as he hands it to him.

"Thank you. This treasure will be put to good use in helping people and developing our kingdom," he says, showing his gratitude and taking it.

"Now, I heard that you also encountered an enemy. Is that right?" he asks us.

"Yes, Wizard King. That is right. We fought someone from the Diamond Kingdom who was there to seize the treasure," I say to him.

"No, no. Wizard King, we did not do anything. It was Zon who took care of him," Mimosa says.

"It seems that we have some promising ones then," Julius says.

"Wizard King, I also have something to show you," Yuno says.

"Yes, what is it?" he asks.

"This," Yuno says as he opens his grimoire and points toward a series of scribbles.

"I gained it from the dungeon," he says to him.

"I am surprised you got this from the dungeon," Julius says.

"This is likely to be the most important relic of the dungeon," he says to Yuno.

"Most important relic!" Yuno and Asta say in awe.

"You can read it?" Yuno asks him.

"Roughly," he says.

Suddenly, his eyes start glowing as he stares at the grimoire.

"This magic... Can you show it to me?" he says, coming closer to Yuno.

This is the funniest thing I've seen since I reincarnated. His interest in magic is really something.

"I'm sorry, but I am not able to activate it," Yuno says to him.

"Huh? Is that so? What a pity," he makes the face of an eight-year-old who can't find his toys.

"Hehe," Noelle nervously laughs after seeing it.

"Well, all I can say is that it will grow with you and become an unparalleled power," he says to Yuno, then passes the grimoire to him.


"Wizard King, my grimoire also has some weird scribbles. Please have a look," Asta says as he quickly opens his grimoire and shows it to the Wizard King.

"This is..."

"This is..." Asta repeats his sentence in anticipation of a big reveal.

"This is something I could not understand," he says with a straight face.

This was a certified bruh moment.

"Duh," Asta says as he loses his expectations.

"I've never seen it in any literature," he continues.

"Then, please take a look at this," Asta says as he takes out his newly acquired sword from the dungeon.

"A-Anti-magic. Can I touch it?" he says as his eyes suddenly shine.

"Yes," Asta says as he kneels on one leg and passes his sword to him.

"Thank yo-"

"It's heavy!" he says as he almost falls down due to its weight.

"Are you all right?" Asta asks, concerned.

"I can't believe you can wield this," he says as he looks toward Asta.

He suddenly stops and looks toward the sword, reacting to the anti-magic sucking his magic, as shown in the anime.

"Thank you. You can have it now. Only someone without magical power can wield it," he says as he gives the sword back to Asta.

"How do you know that I cannot use magic?" Asta asks, surprised.

"Well, who knows?" he says.

"Now, anyway, you have done a great job. Well done," he says to us.

Then the conversation goes on with Yuno and Asta asking how to become the Wizard King.

"Now then, I have one last thing to say to you."

"What is it?" Asta asks.

"In the next week, there is going to be a war conferment ceremony. I invite all of you to it," he says to us.

To be continued...

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