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Without wasting any time, Zelderus lunged at Sukuna at an incredible speed despite of his injuries.

He muttered under his breath,

" Abyssal Magic : Dark Reunion "

Suddenly, his body ruptured and released large amount of black goey stuff at sukuna who was mere feets away from him.

In a split second, Sukuna disappeared from his previous, appearing  few feets away with his eyes wide opened.

But at the same time, Leviathan also appeared behind him!


The Leviathan swung his tails with all his might towards Sukuna, but Sukuna blocked the attack with 3 of his arms!

But the Leviathan didn't stop, he opened his mouth and started forming a dark sphere of energy in the next moment, which swirled continuously in his mouth.


Just before the Leviathan released his attack, a blazing arrow hit him on his neck, deflecting the attack in the sky!

But this was not over. Just as Sukuna was about to launch another attack , a dark shadow formed on the area where he was standing.


Dark tentacles emerged from the ground and binded Sukuna for a split second. In that moment, a dark goey figure rose from the ground and was about to touch Sukuna on his face.


A huge explosion took place just before the figure touched his face.

The smoke settled in a few seconds, revealing the figure of sukuna without any shirt and minor burns which healed in the next moment.

" Hahahaha. This is more interesting now. A 2v1 huh? ....It doesn't matter. You both insects are gonna die by my hands. "

Sukuna said with a calm yet dark smile.

"Tough.talks..from..someone,..who..just ..escaped...his...death.... Hahahaha "

The dark goey figure emerged again from the ground, chuckling.

The Leviathan was about to start again, but suddenly Sukuna raised his hands.

"Come here "


A black sword came flying at an immense speed which transformed into a Trident on touching his hands.

" It's time to end this and make that mouth of yours say something much more interesting. "

In the next moment, Sukuna lunged at Zelderus with his trident. As if Leviathan knew his intention, He threw his tail at the ground with all of his might, destroying it completely.

But this time, Sukuna raised his spear in front of him and swung it with all this might!


All of the debris just by the sheer power of the swing of Trident, came crashing out everywhere.


But this was not all! A huge blast of wind occured, forming a tornado at the place engulfing both Zelderus and The Leviathan.

The Leviathan opened his mouth and released purple flame which overpowered the blazing hurricane!

But just as the hurricane was about to vainsh, Sukuna appeared above Leviathan with his Trident!


The scales of the Leviathan that looked tougher than the hardest substance, were cut open like butter as he slashed the Leviathan's head and threw him to the ground.

Just as he did that, figure of Zelderus appeared behind him trying to grab him, but Sukuna stabbed his figure too!

" Hahhahahah. You think you can damage me in this fo-


The figure of Zelderus reverted back to normal as the Trident impaled his stomach!

Zelderus was completely shocked by this turn of events. This spell "Dark Reunion" makes him one with the darkness and the void. There was no way for Sukuna to be able to do anything to him with his slashing attacks!

"Hahahahaha. Both of you thought I was a mindless brute, didn't you? "

Sukuna laughed at Zelderus and threw his across the ground.

He took a look at the Leviathan who was bleeding heavily from his neck.

"This little Snake utilizes an energy similar to my cursed energy, which is natural since he is from void. This energy he utilized, was able to counter my cursed energy. ”

“But not anymore. Hahahahahah”

Sukuna laughed menacingly before he raised his hands together.

He was going to use Domain Expansion!


Seeing this, The Leviathan let out a deep chill as he started to become berserk. Zelderus on other hand wanted to stand and do something, but he was exhausted.

He faced helplessness in front of Sukuna.

Seeing Zelderus face, Sukuna laugh because increasingly menacing.

Domain Expansion : Malevolent Shrine


An eery shrine conjured before sukuna before series of endless slashes came crashing down

Pish pushh psssss

The Leviathan and Zelderus both were showered by the slashes. They both desperately tried to save themselves, but were unable to.

In front of Sukuna, they felt the gap in power. They felt despair!

In the middle of the forest, only the screams of these 2 powerhouses were echoing along with the menacing laughter of Sukuna.

After a few moments, The body of Zelderus was about to be reduced to dust. In his final moments,he said -

“....I didn't think I would face my end in the middle of nowhere.... I wanted it to be grand....”

“Human..., I will remember you! In future, I would make you beg for mercy for what you have done to me!! ”

Before succumbing to death. At the same time, The Leviathan also disappeared.

Sukuna won the Battle.

“Zelderus Nobraxus... I had fun with you. ”

Sukuna said to the ashes of Zelderus, before leaving the area.

After a few moments, he found Yuno lying on the floor still unconscious. He was very far away from the fight, so nothing happened to his body.

“Don't die. You still have a whole lot of things to do. ”

Sukuna said before healing Yuno.

After that, He turned back to Zon.

“Ahhhh. It was such a good fight.... I had so much fun....”

Zon said with a smile before his face become stiff seeing the surrounding that was completely destroyed.

“How am I supposed to explain this? I am screwed if someone comes here.... ”

In the middle of the nowhere, A fight between two unnatural beings had ended with the death of of them.

To be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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