Cursed Marshland

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As we move to our location, we were greeted with the sounds of children running and playing, Elders walking slowly with their cane and several people helping each other out.

The sight was completely different from earth. People back there were selfish and only thing about themselves, but here people live in harmony and help each other in case of any problem.

I sighed to myself thinking about the differences in both the worlds.
We were also greeted with beautiful ponds, lakes and statues that were in the middle of the paths enhancing the beauty of the capital.

But this started to change as we move to the Forsakrn Realm. All the beautiful architecture that were in the noble and Common realm. The Forsaken Realm is the place where Magic knights who are peasants lived.

The place was full of plain structures and some people were begging in the streets and starving.

“The sight is quite unpleasant and full of misery right? ”I said in a sad tone.

“.... That's why I will become the Wizard King and change the hierarchy and the discrimination that peasents like us face and would help to make their lives better! ”

Yuno said with a determined tone and his eyes glowed a little.

After Some time, We arrived on the outskirts of the Forest.
The trees here were massive with a dense bark and humongous leaves. The leaves were almost  the size of a six year old.

The fruits that were on the tree had a purple shade and looked like mango but in blue color. There was also many hanging vines that were full of thorns in red color.

“We haven't even entered the forest and we have already encountered a poisonous fruit and a trap. ” I sighed as I and Yuno begun to carefully inspect our surroundings.

Apart from the trees, there was not a single beast in the outskirts.
Yuno then opened the map and pointed in a west direction that had something written.

“We are currently in the Lush Canopy, in the southeastern part of the Forest. Our target is somewhere around here in the Cursed Marshland of North Western Region. If we were to fly there, we would reach in about 5 minutes at full speed. ” He continued.

“But the thing is there's a heavy chance of a flying beast attacking us if we directly moved above the forest. And if we move from the outskirts, then the mana would attract the beasts from the Forest. ”

“So, we have two choices. The first one is to face the flying beasts or move by foot? ”
Moving in the outskirts was definitely out of option as our plan is to make sure the beast don't leave the forest.

“Exactly. In my opinion, we should fly above the forest. Even if we were attacked, we can manage ourselves. If we were to go by foot, then there's cases of us stepping in something poisonous and wasting our only neutralizer. What do you think, Zon? ”

“I also think the same. Let's do this. ”

Yuno then conjured the hurricane and we moved above the forest and just as we started to move towards our location.


A black figure was seen coming at an alarming speed towards us.

“Well, that was fast. ” I murdered as I get up and threw a punch towards the figure.


My hand felt like it hit a concrete and both we and Yuno were pushed back while the black figure was sent crashing down the forest but quickly stopped due to the dense trees.

“This bird is so tough! My hand got almost numb and what was that speed? It was so fast! ” The bird appeared in my sight, bleeding heavily and not moving anymore. The bird was of black color with crimson eyes and several outgrowth in its wings. The wings were light back and had a shade of blue while the outgrowth on the wings were purely black.

“I slowed down it's speed a little bit with my magic but still it was unbelievably fast. Zon, we need to quickly pick up our pace and reach our destination. ”

Without wasting anymore time, Yuno increased the speed of the hurricane snd we started moving.

The beast of this area are extremely tough. Why is it so? Is this because of the environment that they live in?

Many questions were raised in my mind but I leave then as it is as thinking about it would not give me any good.

While on the way, we were surprisingly not attacked by any beast which confused both me and Yuno.

“isn't it strange that we didn't got attacked since our start? Is this because we are getting closer to the area of mana spike that the beast are scared of attacking us near it? ” Yuno asked as we land on the area of Cursed Marshland. It would not be any good to fly further as we would alert the beast that could be there.

“ it's the most likely case. We should watch ourselves as we move to make sure that we don't step onto anything. ” I landed and inspected the surrounding once again.

The surrounding was completely different from before.

There were not many trees but instead bushes that looked it didn't receive any water from year even when it was near the swamp.

The swamp looked dirty, light greenish with a frogs on top.

“Yuno, where do-

Just as I was about to say something, a face appeared between both of us.



A huge amount of debris flew around as both me and Yuno were sent flying crashing into the trees. Only after around four trees snapped, did I stop and Yuno was nowhere to be seen.


I spat a little bit of blood from the mouth as I spot the figure.

Its jet-black scales shimmered in the dappled swamp light, reflecting an eerie, otherworldly sheen. Its serpentine body coiled with power, and its lithe form suggested agility and grace.

Crimson eyes, gleaming with an unsettling intelligence, were set deep into its angular head. The creature's eyes radiated a sense of predatory determination, and its presence exuded an aura of power that belied its size like that of a dragon.

“D-Dragon? ”

Before I could say more, The creature attacked me once again by leaping into the air and swifly coming near me with his wings that were a web of membranous black material that extended from its sides.

The attack was about to hit me but I managed to stand and dodge the attack by jumping on my right.


The trees, bushes that were in the sight were almost all demolished by the attack of the creature.

“Huff-Huff” I breathed heavily as I take my position and took out my spear.

The dragon regained it's momentum and was about to again pound on me when a a very powerful blow of wind swept the dragon away.

The attacker was Yuno who was standing, bleeding in his head with Sylph on his shoulder.

“Yuno! My Yuno! Please be all right. ” She cried  on his shoulder.

He instantly came near me.

“Zon! Are you all right? ” His voice was a bit shaky and weak.

“I'm all right. Don't worry about me. The thing we should do currently is to focus on this monster. ” I then pointed toward a location where the creature that resembled that of a dragon was seen with a bit of dust.

“If we have to survive, we have to kill this Bitch. Provide support with long range while I fight him in close quarter. ” I instructed Yuno as I move toward him.

“All right. Sylph, give me your powers. ” Yuno then positioned Himself and burst with power.


I applied my cursed Energy and created a small crater with my feet on the ground.

“Shall we start? ” I get in my fighting stance as I positioned my hands forward.
The Beast also smiled as if accepting his declaration and also got ready to fight.

To be continued-

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