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As I said those words, a huge vortex engulfed me.

(Patolli's POV)

"What is this vortex? A new spell?" A thought appeared in my mind as I saw a black vortex engulfing the human.

"Its effects are rather powerful," I said as I felt immense pressure coming from the vortex.

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the vortex.

"Aren't you a little too arrogant to be standing in my presence?"

"Huh?!" I blurted out as I suddenly felt a very powerful and ominous presence.
I took a few steps back.

"Still standing?" the voice came again as a figure appeared out of the vortex.

The figure had four eyes, four arms, and tattoos on his face and chest. His shirt seemed to have been ripped off during the transformation.

"A transformation spell? Who are-"

Before I could ask about his identity-

"Aaaaaaah!" I screamed in horror as a deep slash cut my skin from below my throat down to my stomach, and I fell to the ground.

"Hahahahahahahahah, that's more like it!" The figure laughed maniacally.

"What is this?! He is completely different from before. This level of power!? He didn't even move from his place! He... he is at the same level as Licht or might even be stronger!" Various thoughts raced through my mind.

I jumped from my place and ran backward while facing the figure, but he didn't seem to follow me.

"Wh-Who are you?" I stuttered, feeling intense pain.

"You want to know my name? Know your place, trash," the figure said before disappearing.

Huh?! Where is he? I looked around.
"There he is!" I spotted him next to Fugoleon.

"You seem to be doing fine," the figure said as he touched Fugoleon's chest.

"Now, it's time to take care of an insect," the figure said, smiling creepily and staring at me.

"Danger!" I said, feeling my instincts urging me to flee from this monster.
I needed to close this spatial space, so-


An explosion occurred, and I was thrown backward at a rapid pace. My entire body felt shattered. Several of my bones were broken, and my face was disfigured as I rolled on the ground.

"W-w-what happened?!" I tried to say, but only screeches came out.
As the explosion faded, the figure appeared again.

"Hahahahaahaha, how does it feel to be in so much pain and misery?" the figure asked me, laughing hysterically.
In front of this human.... no a Devil! I felt despair!

"Spatial Dimension Close!!" I yelled, but only rough words came out as I took out a small, palm-sized device adorned with an obsidian-like surface shimmering with an iridescent glow. Its dark hue exuded an aura of mystique and power.

Just as those words left Patolli's mouth, countless symbols flashed across the dimension. In that moment, Zon, or Sukuna, who was simply standing there said, "You want to leave? Take this with you!"
Just as he said that, Patolli's face was slashed, and he screamed as everyone was teleported from the dimension.

(Back to my POV)

Just as Fugoleon and I were teleported back, in a split second, I took him with me and chanted, "Reverse."
As I said that, a huge vortex engulfed me and Fugoleon, and we found ourselves outside. I had done this to avoid my true form being exposed to the public. Just like Asta, whose form was considered cute compared to mine, being deemed a devil, one could imagine the reception I would receive. So,

as I returned to my original position, I took Fugoleon with me and chanted, assuming my original form. Due to me being in my Sukuna form, my speed was imperceptible to Asta and the others, so I could take advantage of the vortex and claim that we were teleported from the dimension via the vortex.
The vortex faded as both Fugoleon and I became visible again, with Fugoleon lying on the ground, his arm missing.

"Zon and... Brother!?" Fugoleon screamed in horror as he rushed towards us.

"Zon, what happened to my brother?" Leopold exclaimed, tightly touching my shoulder.

"I-I don't know, Leopold. Just as I was teleported, I somehow lost consciousness, and I woke up just now," I said in a sad and regretful tone.

"His whole arm is s-severed!" Noelle said, her voice shaking.

"How can such a powerful man be defeated like this?" Asta, who was with Noelle, said with disbelief.


A sound echoed as something dropped.

"This is Captain Fugoleon's Grimoire!"

"Since it hasn't disappeared, he is still alive!" Noelle exclaimed, expressing a slight relief.

"We have to stop the bleeding!" Noelle said as she tore a piece of her clothes to staunch the blood flow.

"This can't be happening! This isn't true!" Leopold despairingly murmured.


The sound of a smack resonated as I struck Leopold's back.

"What are you doing? Is this the time for this? Your brother is in this state, and you're getting overwhelmed? Calm yourself!" I said loudly to Leopold.

"Zon..." Leopold began to calm down.


Leopold took a deep breath.

"You're right, Zon. If I remain like this while my brother is fighting for his life, what kind of brother am I?"

"Thanks, Zon, for bringing me back to my senses," Leopold said, expressing his gratitude.

"No problem, Leopold," I said, giving him a thump on his back. Leopold then joined Noelle in stopping the bleeding.

"What a terrible state you're in, Rades. Anyway, it's time to go," a voice called out.

As everyone turned their attention to the voice, a man with a lean build, wavy grey hair that reached the bottom of his head, and straight lines descending on each side of his face, wearing a light-colored hooded cloak appeared.

Naturally, it was Valtos. Just as he spoke, a vortex engulfed both him and Rades, who was lying on the ground. This deviated from the events in the manga or anime, but I had anticipated it, leaving Rades in a vulnerable state, making it easier for Valtos to teleport him.

"Finally, it's over... At least for now," I said.

To be continued...

Reincarnated As Sukuna In Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now