Going Back

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"But wait, how are we going to seize this much treasure?" Asta asks.

"Oh, about that, I got a special magic device from Langris," says Klaus.

"Special magic device?" Asta asks.

Klaus takes out a small pouch from his right pocket of his leg.

"This," Klaus says, pointing towards the pouch.

"This small pouch? A special magic device?" Asta says, confused.

"Let me show you its capability," Klaus says.

Klaus opens it, and suddenly all the treasure that was on the ground gets engulfed in the pouch.

"This pouch is a special object that can store anything in its spatial dimension inside it," Klaus explains to Asta.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Asta exclaims.

"The problem is now sorted," Luck says.

"Umm, Klaus-san, now that we have seized the treasure, how do we go back to the Clover Kingdom?" Mimosa asks.

"It was Langris-san who transported us. We don't know the way back," she continues.

"Don't worry about that, Mimosa. I have a map," Klaus assures her.

"But how?" she asks.

"Langris has given us a map back to the Clover Kingdom. It's in this pouch," Klaus explains.

"See," he says, taking out a map.

"Everyone, come close to me," Klaus beckons.

Everyone gathers around him as he starts explaining.

"We are here," he says, pointing toward a cross on the map.

"And here is the Clover Kingdom," he points towards the south of the dungeon.

"It will take only six hours of traveling, and we will reach the Clover Kingdom," he concludes.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go," I say to everyone.

"Hmm," everyone agrees as we prepare to leave.

(After eight hours of traveling)

"We finally reached the Clover Kingdom," Asta says as we stand in front of it.

"I think we should rest first," I suggest to everyone.

"You're right, Zon-san. Everyone is exhausted, especially due to Klaus-san's bad sense of direction," Mimosa says.

"Hey! I was trying, okay? I'm not a perfect navigator," Klaus defends himself.

"Hehehe, I'm just joking, Klaus-san," Mimosa laughs.

"Let's depart for now and meet tomorrow so that we can report our findings," I propose to everyone.

"Okay," everyone agrees as they depart.

"Klaus, can we leave the pouch with you?" I ask him.

"Yes, of course," he replies.

"And what about him?" Klaus points towards Mars, whom I had been carrying the whole journey.

"Oh, I will give him to Langris," I inform him.

"Then, see you," I bid farewell to him and leave with Yuno.

After some time of walking, Yuno suddenly speaks up.

"You were different back there," he says.

"Hmm? What did you say? I couldn't hear you properly because of the stares," I ask, curious.

"...Nothing," he dismisses the topic.

"Okay," I say, accepting his response.

Finally, we reach the headquarters, where we meet Langris.

"Hey, newbies, you're back already," Langris greets us.

"And who did you bring?" he asks, pointing towards unconscious Mars.

"An enemy I fought," I inform him.

"Please take him. Yuno and I will be leaving as we are very exhausted," I request.

"Okay, you can report your findings tomorrow. I will handle it. Have some rest," he tells us.

"Thanks," we both express our gratitude as we leave.

Upon reaching our room, we bid farewell to each other.

"See you," I say to Yuno.

"Hmm," he acknowledges.

As soon as I enter the room, I instantly relax on the bed.

Today was both a fruitful and hardworking day.

I acquired a new weapon that is like a cursed weapon after all.

After some time of lounging around, I remove my scabbard and go to bed.

The next day...

I wake up at 10:00 am, take a shower, brush my teeth, and head to the dining table for breakfast.

I see Yuno sitting there.

"Did you have a good rest?" I ask him as I sit next to him.

"Yeah," he replies, starting to eat.

"Oh! What a coincidence," somebody exclaims in surprise.

It's Klaus, accompanied by Mimosa.

"How are you guys? Did you rest properly?" Klaus inquires, addressing both Yuno and me.

"We had plenty of rest," I inform him.

"What about you, Klaus?" I inquire.

"I also had plenty of rest," he replies.

"And you, Mimosa?" I ask her.

She blushes a little.

"I'm fine. Th-Thank you for worrying, Zon-san," she stammers.

"What's with her?" I wonder silently.

"More importantly, did you hand that guy to the vice-captain?" Klaus asks me.

"Yes, and do you have that pouch with you?" I question him.

"Obviously," he says, pointing to his pockets.

"Then we should leave to report our findings after breakfast," I suggest to them.

"Hmm," everyone agrees as we sit together and enjoy our meal.

To be continued...

(Author's Note) I am writing this to clarify that the magic pouch is something I have created. It was not mentioned in the manga or in the anime how they were going to seize the treasure, so I created it.

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