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"The Royal Capital is under attack! "He says in panic.
As I expected, It's starting.
“Capital is getting attacked?! ”Fugoleon says.

“Stone Creation Magic: Stone Model Of The World”

Siren says as he conjures a three dimensional model of the Royal Capital.
Klaus and Mimosa get shocked at his use of mana.

“A force with such immense power is attacking five areas Simultaneously without us noticing”Siren says.

“Under these circumstances, It should be a high-level Spatial Magic mage who is conjuring these creatures”Fugoleon says.

“How do we assign the members who are here now? ”He asks.

“Firstly, we need to secure the perimeter of the castle” Siren replied.


“What are we waiting for!? ”Asta shouts.
“People are counting on us to rescue them! I am not wasting any time! ” He says as he runs off.

“Asta! ”Noelle shouts.

“Where do you think you are going? We don't even have a full picture of the situation! ”Klaus says.

“Beside, How will you detect them without magic powers?”He continues.

“I'll just follow the noise”He says as he runs off.

“Are you an animal!? ”He says seeing his behaviour.

Leopard starts laughing.

“This guy is also interesting. I will make him my rival also! ”He says as he also runs off.

“Charlotte, Boys are really stupid”Sol says.

“Call me Captain”She says.

“Leo is such a child. I should toughen him someday” Fugoleon says.

“Taking orders from me might not suit you all, but listen up, Magic Knight! ”
Fugoleon says taking the command.

“I'll go after leo and the black bull lad, then head  for the North District”

“Silver Eagle, cover the central District where the enemy is concentrated”

“Blue Rose, take the East District”

“Though I detest taking orders from a man, so be it ”Charlotte says.

“Golden Dawn, split up to cover the West and Northwest Districts”

As he says that, Yuno makes a tornado for us to ride. I was with Yuno, mimosa and Alecdora.

Klaus made a chariot of steel and got ready with the fatty and Siren.

“Failure to protect the capital will be a disgrace upon the Magic Knight! ”
“Do not let the enemy escape! ” Fugoleon shouts.

“Yes! ” Everyone Replies.

Fugoleon takes noelle with him and everyone departs.

“Yuno, We are heading toward the Northwest District right? ” I ask Yuno.

“Yes and klaus is heading in the west district” He says.

“Okay”I say.

I started seeing my surrounding.

In my sight, everything is on the verge of destruction. The buildings are getting destroyed, people are getting killed and the sound of the atmosphere was  full of cries for help.

I suddenly started getting nervous. This was my first time seeing such a scene. My heart suddenly starts to beat very fast.

What is this?

Reincarnated As Sukuna In Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now