Assimilation Mode

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"I have many questions, but it will require a lot of time to get their answers," I say to myself as I went to sleep.

For the next week, my schedule consisted of waking up, taking a shower, eating breakfast, and training until night, and then coming back to have dinner and then I went to bed.

Every day, I practiced my sword skill nonstop, which led to the discovery of its new power.

I already knew that my sword amplifies my cursed energy, but after becoming proficient with it, I discovered its another power. I was able to gain knowledge of "Assimilation Mode."

My sword is usually in a normal mode, but I can change it to Assimilation mode. In Assimilation mode, my sword's color becomes a little darker. In Assimilation mode, any living being that gets cut by my sword will have a curse applied to them. A curse applied will be visible by the black symbols engraved on the opponent's body part.

The full summary of the power is:

1. The symbols are a curse that can be applied to any living being.
2. The symbols have different properties according to my will. For example, I can choose to place a curse that drains the opponent's mana or a curse that limits the opponent's strength.
3. I can remove the curse from the opponent if I want to.

It also has a few drawbacks:

1. The curse potency depends on the opponent's strength. If the power gap between the user and the opponent is small, the power of the curse is reduced by 20%, and if the gap is medium or big, the curse is not affected.
2. The curse I can apply has a limit. For example, I cannot apply a curse that restricts 50% of the opponent's strength. I can restrict only 10% or 20% of the opponent's strength.
3. The curse applied to the opponent continuously drains my cursed energy.

I was laying on the bed thinking about my new power. "By being proficient with my sword, I was able to get Assimilation mode, which is an ability that will help me in battle," I say to myself.

"Just what more do you have," I say to my sword in the normal mode. I noticed that the difference in Assimilation mode and normal mode is only the property of Assimilation mode to apply a curse. I have to be careful when using Assimilation mode to apply a curse since it drains my cursed energy.

After thinking about my power for a long time, I fell asleep.

I woke up at 9 am, took a shower, and got ready. I took my sword and went to have breakfast. As usual, Yuno was already there eating alone.

"Did you have any progress in these last 7 days?" I say to him as I sit beside him.

"In what?" he says.

"In using the power of Sylph, of course," I say to him.

"Unfortunately, no," he says.

"Well, don't fret. You will eventually have a breakthrough," I say to him as I eat the breakfast that was already on the table.

Today is the day where the Eye of Midnight invaded the Clover Kingdom. I will see what I can do when it happens.

"Today, we have to go to the War Conferment Ceremony," Yuno says.

"Yeah, we should go find Mimosa and Klaus," I say to him.

"Are you talking about me, Zon?" A voice called out to me. It was Klaus, who is with Mimosa.

"What a coincidence, I was thinking of finding you, but here you guys are," I say to them.

"Of course, we are here to have breakfast," he says to me.

"Then let's eat together and then attend the War Conferment Ceremony," I say to them.

"Okay," he says as he and Mimosa sit down and eat with us.

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