I choose-

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"I choose Golden Dawn," I said in a loud voice, my decision resonating throughout. It had been a tough choice, but I didn't want to risk altering the plot too much by joining the Black Bulls. There could be consequences, good or bad, and I wanted to avoid any unnecessary complications.

Moving towards the waiting area, I came across Yuno.

"Hey, Yuno, are you alright?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

"No problem," Yuno replied calmly.

"We're in the same squad, so no need to hold a grudge against me," I said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't make me laugh. I simply lost because I was weak. There's no need to hold a grudge," Yuno responded, his words reflecting his determination.

After a while, a voice broke the silence. "Hey! Did I make you guys wait a little too much?" It was Langris Vaude, the Vice-Captain and brother of Finral.

"Nice to meet you. I am Langris Vaude, Vice-Captain of Golden Dawn," he introduced himself.

"I will be escorting you to your respective dorms," he informed us.

"Today's a rare day. The Captain selected two kids from the boonies, not that it matters after seeing your skills," Langris remarked.

"Let's not waste any more time and get going," he added.

Creating a portal in front of us, he urged us to step through. As we entered the portal, we found ourselves standing in front of a majestic headquarters.

Before entering the building, Langris handed us each a robe, saying, "Here, take this. Consider it your reward."

He then guided us inside and assigned us our personal dorms. To my surprise, Yuno's and mine were right next to each other.

"Here, take this," Langris said, handing us a large pouch full of money. "At the end of the month, you will receive your paycheck. That's all," he explained before leaving through a portal.

"See you," I said to Yuno.

"Hmm," Yuno responded.

Entering my luxurious dorm, I marveled at the exquisite furniture and the beauty of the room. In the anime, the dorms were not shown in detail, but they were truly grand.

Taking a moment to reflect on my journey so far, I whispered to myself, "I have come so far."

After some time, exhaustion caught up with me, and I fell asleep on the comfortable bed.

The next day, I woke up, took a refreshing bath, and headed to the dining table to have breakfast with Yuno. We shared a meal together, preparing ourselves for the day ahead.

Afterward, I made my way to a weapon shop. I had decided to acquire a sword, as it would not only enhance my combat abilities but also provide a cool factor and a slightly longer reach.

"Welcome! What can I do for you, Magic Knight?" the owner of the shop greeted me.

"I want your best sword," I requested confidently.

"My best sword? Sure," he replied, a hint of intrigue in his voice.

He showcased a long silver sword, explaining, "This is a magic sword. It is made of mithril ore and is many times stronger than your average sword. It can absorb its wearer's magic and be enhanced."

"How much?" I inquired, eager to acquire such a powerful weapon.

"50,000 yul," he stated, indicating the price.

I reached into the pouch Langris had given me and handed over the required amount. "49,50! All there. Pleasure doing business with you," I said, satisfied with the transaction, and left the store.

For the next few days, I dedicated myself to practicing my sword skills and honing my hand-to-hand combat. I knew that relying solely on swords would be a limitation, and I wanted to be versatile in battle.

(Few Days Later)

Lying on my bed, lost in my thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted me.

"Come in," I called out.

Yuno entered the room, and I greeted him, saying, "It's been quite a time, hasn't it, Yuno?"

"Yeah, Zon," he replied with a nod.

Curious about his visit, I asked, "What brings you here?"

"We have been assigned a mission," he revealed.

I guessed it would be to explore a dungeon. "What mission?" I inquired.

"We need to explore a dungeon and seize its treasure," Yuno explained, confirming my suspicions.

"Then when are we leaving?" I asked, eager to embark on our first mission together.

"Now, after being introduced to our team," Yuno replied.

"Wait, let me grab my sword first," I said, remembering the weapon I had acquired.

"You're a sword user now?" Yuno asked, clearly surprised by my choice.

"Yeah," I affirmed, attaching the sword to a scabbard I had purchased and hanging it around my waist.

"Okay, let's go," I declared, ready for the adventure ahead.

We left my room and met three individuals in front of the headquarters—Klaus, Mimosa, and Langris.

"You're finally here," Langris greeted us.

"Now is the time for introductions. Yuno, Zon, meet Klaus and Mimosa. Klaus and Mimosa, meet Yuno and Zon," Langris introduced us.

We exchanged greetings, and Langris continued, "Klaus here has Steel magic, Mimosa has healing magic, Yuno has wind magic, and Zon has some Reinforcement Magic."

They were unaware of my specific magic as I had not disclosed it yet.

"You will be in the same team," Langris informed us.

A puzzled Yuno asked, "Aren't you coming with us?"

"Me? No. I've been assigned to only transport you guys to the dungeon, not to assist you," Langris clarified.

"Well, okay," Yuno accepted the explanation.

Langris created new portals, transporting us to the entrance of the dungeon. "This is all I can do. I'm going now. Stay safe and goodbye," he bid us farewell, vanishing through a portal.

"Let's go, everyone," Klaus took the lead, and we headed straight into the foreboding dungeon.

To be continued-

Reincarnated As Sukuna In Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now